



A letter to all international students of the School of Overseas Education 


Dear students

大家好!我们想提醒大家注意,几周前在武汉爆发了一种新型的冠状病毒。公布的病例数量与日俱增。尽管如此,中国政府正在努力遏制疫情,防止病毒进一步扩散。 因此,我们呼吁所有国际学生在这一关键时刻高度关注你们的健康和安全。

Hello everyone! We would like to remind you that a new type of coronavirus broke out in Wuhan a few weeks ago. The number of reported cases is increasing. Nevertheless, the Chinese government is trying to contain the epidemic and prevent the further spread of the virus. Therefore, we call on all international students to pay high attention to your health and safety at this critical time.


The safety of students is very important to us. I hope all students can take all necessary precautions. At this critical moment, we hope all students can keep calm, because excessive panic and worry will cause unnecessary trouble. Please don't believe the rumors from unknown sources. We will provide you with the latest information in time to let you know the situation.


At the same time, from now on, we will cancel all student activities until we receive the notice from our superiors. This is a precaution to avoid infections that can occur during parties. The good news is that our college is actively taking various measures to ensure the normal life of everyone. In this special period, let everyone have a meaningful winter vacation.


Finally, all students who plan to leave Changzhou for a trip are requested to suspend their travel plans and stay on campus to ensure safety. If there are students who want to return to China, please inform the head teacher and the deputy dean of the school of overseas education , Mr. Miao Shuangming. All students are requested to firmly prohibit contact with those who come back from Wuhan and other heavily infected areas. If you have fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath and other symptoms, please report to the dormitory teacher, head teacher and the college leader in time.


The school of overseas education loves all of you and will continue to make every effort to ensure the safety of all international students. Your health is our most concern. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Let's work together to overcome the difficulties. 



Leading group of epidemic prevention and control in Overseas educational school


来源 | 海外教育学院

文字 | 高阳  翻译 | 涂艳群

编辑 | 戎琳燕

审核 | 邱程

抗击疫情,众志成城 ——常州工业职业技术学院全员在行动

扩散 | 新型冠状病毒防控指南

育养匠心,幸福人生 | 常州工业职业技术学院2020年提前招生

必看 | “鼠”于你的寒假指南,请查收!


