

关注☞ 小学英语学习帮 2023-02-11


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假期宅在家里的部分孩子不乏窃喜,认为:在家学习 = 没人管我 = 爱学不学。殊不知,每次假期过后,都会一些同学的成绩突飞猛进,实现学渣到学霸的逆转。每个假期都是一个弯道超车的好机会。




  Unit 3 同步学习视频  


  Unit 3 单词 


holiday  ['hɒlɪdeɪ; -dɪ]  假日,假期

National Day  ['næʃən(ə)l deɪ]  国庆节

call  [kɔːl]  打电话

Bund  [bʌnd] (上海)外滩

Shanghai Museum  [mjuː'zɪəm]  上海博物馆

star  [stɑː(r)]  星星

Great Wall  [greɪtwɔːl]  长城

Palace Museum  ['pælɪsmjuː'zɪəm]  故宫

Summer Palace  ['sʌmə'pælɪs]  颐和园

Tian’anmen Square  [skweə]  天安门广场

fashion show ['fæʃ(ə)n ʃəʊ]  时装表演,时装秀

excited  [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd]  激动的,兴奋地

paper  [ˈpeɪpə(r)]  纸

ask  [ɑːsk]  问

bottle  [ˈbɒtl]  瓶子

go well  [gəʊwel]  进展顺利

at first  [ætfɜːst]  开始,最初

heavy rain  ['hevɪreɪn]  大雨

  Unit 3  课文    


Unit 3 Holiday fun假日的乐趣 Pages 26-27  Story timeThe students came back to school after the National Day holiday.同学们国庆假期结束后回到学校。Mike: Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you weren't at home.迈克:你好,刘涛!你假期去了哪里?我给你打电话了,但你不在家。Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.刘涛:我去了上海,拜访了我的阿姨。Mike: What did you do there?迈克:你在那里做了什么?Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things. How was your holiday, Mike?刘涛:我们去了外滩,还参观了上海博物馆。我看到好多有趣的东西。你的假期怎么样,迈克?Mike: It was great fun. Our family went to a farm near Star Lake. We picked some oranges and went fishing.迈克:非常有趣。我们全家去了星湖边的一个农场。我们摘了一些桔子,并且钓鱼了。Liu Tao: Did you catch any fish?刘涛:你有抓到鱼吗?Mike: Yes, I did. I caught a big fish!迈克:是的,有。我抓到了一条大鱼!Liu Tao: That's great. Why did you call me?刘涛:那太棒了。你为什么打电话给我?Mike: Because I wanted to give you the fish.迈克:因为我想把鱼给你。Liu Tao: Where's  the fish now?刘涛:鱼现在在哪里呢?Mike: I ate it!迈克:我把它吃了!单词Bund  (上海)外滩Great Wall  长城Palace Museum  故宫Shanghai Museum  上海博物馆Summer Palace  颐和园Tian'an men Square  天安门广场 Page 31  Sound timeIntonation声调,语调Hey! Please pick an orange for me.嘿!请帮我摘个桔子。I want an orange from the tree.我想要一个树上的桔子。Hey! Please catch a fish for me.嘿!请帮我抓条鱼。I want a fish from the sea.我想要一条大海里的鱼。Page 31  Culture timeThere are three main school holidays in the UK.英国有三个主要的学校假期。They are the Easter holiday,the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday.它们是复活节假期,暑假和圣诞假期。Pages 32-33  Cartoon timeIt is time for dinner. Bobby comes home late.晚饭时间到了。鲍比回家晚了。Where did you go, Bobby?你去哪里了,鲍比?I was in the park. We had a fashion show there.我在公园里。我们在那里举办了一场时装秀。Tina loves beautiful clothes.She is excited about the show.蒂娜喜欢漂亮的衣服。她对时装秀很兴奋。Wow, I love fashion shows. What did you wear, Bobby?哇,我喜欢时装秀。你穿了什么,鲍比?I wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.我穿了一件纸T恤和纸短裤。Ha! Ha! That's cool. What great fun!哈哈!那太酷了。多么有趣啊!Tina asks Bobby about Sam.蒂娜问鲍比关于山姆的情况。Did Sam wear paper clothes too?山姆也穿了纸衣服吗?No. He wore a lot of bottles.没有。他穿了很多瓶子。Wow, that's  interesting!哇!那真有趣!Tina asks about the show.蒂娜询问有关时装秀的情况。Did the show go well?时装秀办得还顺利吗?It was wonderful at first,but then there was heavy rain.一开始还不错,但是然后下大雨了。Oh, that's  too bad!哦,那真糟糕!

  Unit 3 知识点梳理  Unit 3  Holiday fun1. 四会单词:※holiday 假日,假期           call 打电话Bund (上海)外滩            star 星星※Excited 激动的               ※paper 纸※Ask 问                      ※bottle 瓶子二.重点词组:Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆    ※Great Wall 长城※National Day 国庆节            Palace Museum 故宫            Summer Palace 颐和园             ※At first 首先  Tian‘anmen Square 天安门广场     a fashion show 一场时装秀※heavy rain 大雨                 Come back to school 回到学校      the summer holiday 暑假          ※go well 进展顺利Pick some oranges 摘桔子        be excited about 对...感到兴奋Ask about 问关于...的情况       wear paper clothes 穿纸衣服          holiday fun 假期趣事It is time to do sth.= it is time for sth.到做某事的时间了
三.重点句型:1.What did you/he do for the holiday? 你/他假期做过什么?2.He visited the Shanghai Museum. 他参观了上海博物馆。3.Did you go fishing? 你去钓鱼了吗?Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.4. Where did you go for the holiday? 你去哪儿度假的啊?5 I saw many interesting things.我看到很多有趣的东西。6. How was your holiday? 你的假期过得怎么样?7. We picked some oranges and went fishing.我们摘了很多橘子和去钓鱼。
四.语法:一般过去时(三)不规则动词过去式Catch(caught)    do(did)    eat(ate)   get(got)Wear(wore)     have(had)    


汇总合集 ▏外研社小学英语3-6年级下册Module1-Module10微课/知识点梳理/课文单词音频MP3/课本图片(三起点)

汇总合集 ▏人教版PEP小学英语3-6年级下册各单元同步微课/知识点梳理/课文视频动画/课文音频/单词MP3/高清可打印电子课本

汇总合集 ▏人教精通版小学英语3-6年级下册各单元微课+知识点+视频动画+课本图片

汇总合集 ▏外研社小学英语1-6年级下册各单元学习视频/知识点梳理/课文音频/单词MP3/电子课本(一起点)

