
每天一篇技能限时训练,高考英语轻松140+(四) [含答案和解析]

2017-10-17 涨知识 👉 瑞鑫艾斯英语








The truth 1.     trees are vital to our life is not a secret. They provide us with food, wood and most 2.     (important), oxygen. Now there is one more thing we can add to this list—blocking out harmful bacteria from water. 

The discovery 3.     (make) by a team 4.     (consist) of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and high school students 5.     were seeking a natural water filter—one that would help communities in developing countries that do not have 6.     (accessible) to modern water filter systems. 

The 7.     (research), led by Professor Rohit Karnik, decided to turn to trees for help because they could allow liquid to flow through, while blocking out air bubbles. 

They began by cutting 1.5-inch-wide sections of tree bark from the branches of a white pine tree. The people related then tested the wood’s filtering ability by pouring water containing red dye particles of different sizes through. 8.     their amazement, they found that it was effective in trapping all the particles. 9.     (encourage), the team conducted 10.     experiment, this time with water that contained bacteria. Sure enough, the sapwood held back 99% of the bacteria, allowing only 1% to flow through. 


1.that 考查同位语从句。此处是同位语从句,又因为从句中不缺少成分,故选用连词that。

2.importantly 考查形容词和副词的转换。此处most importantly作状语。句意为“它们为我们提供了食物、木材,最重要的是提供了氧气”。

3.was made 考查谓语动词的时态和语态。the discovery和make之间是被动关系,再根据下文可知,用过去时。

4.consisting 考查非谓语动词。此处是动词-ing短语“consisting of scientists...”作后置定语,修饰team。因为被修饰词team和consist之间是主动关系,故用动词-ing形式。

5.who 考查定语从句。分析句子可知此处为who引导的定语从句,因为先行词是students,并且students在后面的定语从句中充当主语,故用who。

6.access 考查形容词和名词的转换。have access to意思为“使用,接近,可以利用”,是固定搭配。

7.researchers 考查动词和名词的转换。分析该句结构可知,谓语动词为decided,那么能发出这个动作的主语应该为researchers,研究人员,研究者。

8.To 考查介词。to one’s amazement是固定结构,表示“令某人惊讶的是”。

9.Encouraged 考查非谓语动词。 此处为分词作状语,主语the team与encourage之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词。

10.another 考查限定词。根据上文可知关于此事做过实验,这次是除了上次以外的另一个实验,故用another,表示“另一个”。



Nick was born with no arms or legs, but the brave 32-year-old man, plays football and golf, swims, and surfs.Nick has a small foot on his left side, which helps him balance and enables him to kick.He uses his one foot to type, write with a pen and pick things up between his toes.

“I call it my chicken drumstick,” joked Nick, “I’d be lost without it.When I get in the water I float because 80 per cent of my body is lungs and my drumstick acts as a propeller.”

When Nick was born,his father was so shocked that he left the hospital room to vomit.His distraught mother couldn’t bring herself to hold him until he was four months old. 

“It was so hard for them, but right from the start they did their best to make me independent.My dad put me in the water at 18 months and gave me the courage to learn how to swim,”said Nick.

Throughout his childhood Nick dealt with the typical challenges.At the age of seven, Nick tried out some specially designed electronic arms and legs, in hope that he would be more like the other kids.During the short trial period of the electronic arms and legs, Nick realized that even with them, he was still unlike his peers at school, and they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operate, affecting his flexibility quite significantly.

“When I was 13 I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others,” said Nick, “I realized why God had made us like this- to give hope to others.It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage others and decided to be thankful for what I do have,not to get angry about what I don’t.”  

“I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves,” he said.“If I can encourage just one person then my job in this life is done.” By now, he has visited 35 different countries, touring the world as a motivational speaker.

1.What makes it possible for Nick to swim in the water?(  ) 

A.His small size. B.His small foot.

C.His light weight. D.His big lungs.

2.The underlined word “distraught” in Paragraph 3 probably means    . 

A.cold-blood B.bad-tempered 

C.really crazy D.extremely upset

3.Nick abandoned the electronic arms and legs because    . 

A.his family couldn’t afford them

B.his classmates didn’t like them

C.they were too heavy to handle

D.they affected his appearance

4.Which of the following statements is true?(  )

A.Nick’s parents were very strict with him.

B.Nick’s family accepted his disability at his birth.

C.Nick’s mother was to blame for his disability.

D.Nick learned to be independent at a young age.




1.B 推理判断题。根据第一段后两句及第二段尼克说的话可知选B项。

2.D 词义猜测题。 根据上下文中的so shocked,It was so hard for them...可知,他的父母十分疼爱他,当得知他一出生就没有四肢时,他的母亲应该是极其难过的,因此选D项。

3.C 细节理解题。 根据第五段最后一句...and they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operate, affecting his flexibility quite significantly可知答案.

4.D 细节理解题。 根据第四段中的right from the start they did their best to make me independent可知D项正确。


It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage others and decided to be thankful for what I do have, not to get angry about what I don’t.

这是一个主从复合句。句子结构是...so...that...that引导结果状语从句,and连接两个并列结果状语从句,第二个从句省略了that I; 第二个decided的宾语是to be thankful for what I do have和not to get angry about what I don’t.其中含有两个从句作for和about的宾语。



A 58-year-old man was sharing his memories of his father. He said his father had been a workaholic who was always busy with his  1 . He  2  came to his son’s sports games or activities. 3 ,the son said his dad almost never spoke to him. 4  the time the son was 18 years old,in his last year of school,he’d become a very good football player. When his team qualified for the championship,he  5  his father to finally come to see him play this time;so his dad  6  he’d be there. 

On the day of the  7  ,the son was on the field warming up just  8  the game when he saw his dad come into the stadium with two other men. Then shortly after the game started,his dad  9  with his friends and never returned. It’s now been 40 years  10  that day.Yet when this 58-year-old son said the painful  11  he felt as a teenager was still very real. When his father recently died at age 83,he stood alone next to his dad’s coffin at the funeral home and said:“Dad,we could have  12  so much love and good times together, 13  I never knew you.” A father has great power and  14  in the lives of his children. Studies have shown that the No. 1  15  of troubled boys and young men is that they had fathers who didn’t  16  care. They didn’t spend time with their sons so they weren’t  17  to them. There are millions of invisible  18  like this. But “No man stands as tall as when he bends down to help his son.” How about you?Do you need to give more time and  19  to your children?It’s never too late to  20  . 


1.A.family B.work C.hobby D.housework

2.A.often B.ever C.even D.never 

3.A.In fact B.As a result C.Of course D.Above all

4.A.At B.In C.By D.For 

5.A.begged B.advised C.permitted D.ordered 

6.A.admitted B.pretended C.suspected D.promised 

7.A.ceremony B.graduation C.championship D.concert

8.A.after B.on C.before D.during 

9.A.stood B.left C.chatted D.sat 

10.A.since B.until C.after D.before 

11.A.relief B.disappointment C.fear D.anxiety

12.A.lacked B.shared C.received D.mixed 

13.A.and B.but C.so D.then 

14.A.trust B.favor C.influence D.courage 

15.A.reason B.case C.cause D.concern 

16.A.simply B.only C.initially D.really 

17.A.close B.similar C.polite D.known 

18.A.mothers B.sons C.fathers D.players 

19.A.money B.freedom C.attention D.award 

20.A.learn B.change C.develop D.adapt 




1.B 根据主句his father had been a workaholic可知,父亲对工作成瘾。

2.D 由上文可知,父亲从来不(never)参加儿子的体育比赛或活动。

3.A in fact意为“实际上”,用于添加某种重要情况,以强调所说话语的效果。

4.C 由句中he’d become a very good football player可判断用介词by,表示“到……时候为止”。

5.A 他乞求(begged)父亲前来观战。

6.D 因此父亲许诺(promised)要来。

7.C 由上文When his team qualified for the championship可知是在冠军赛那天。

8.C 由常识可知,是在比赛之前做热身,故用before。

9.B 根据后文never returned可知,父亲离开(left)了赛场。

10.A 那是四十年之前的事情了。“It has been+一段时间+since...”表示“自从……以来已有……时间了”。

11.B 四十年虽已过去,这位五十八岁的儿子说年轻时感受到的失望(disappointment)仍十分真实。

12.B 我们本来可以一块儿分享(shared)许多的爱和美好的时光。

13.B 表示转折用but。

14.C influence与and之前的power均表示“影响力”。

15.C 本句分析(造成)问题孩子和年轻人的首要原因,故用cause。

16.D (造成)问题孩子或年轻人的首要原因就是他们父亲的漠不关心。really加强否定语气。

17.A 他们没有与孩子待在一起的时间,因而彼此变得疏远。

18.C 有成千上万的像这样的“隐形的”父亲。

19.C 你需要为你的孩子付出更多的时间和关注(attention)吗?

20.B 由上文可知,改变(change)从来不会晚。



Will our team qualify for the second round of the competition?


Your scores in this term will qualify you for the next class.


2.invisible adj.看不见的;无形的

Only in stories can people make themselves invisible. 


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2018年高考英语技能限时训练(一),高分没商量 [含答案和解析]

每天一篇技能限时训练,高考英语轻松140+(二) [含答案和解析]

每天一篇技能限时训练,高考英语轻松140+(三) [含答案和解析]

【重磅资料 · 学生版】2018年高考词汇电子版



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