
西浦关于新型冠状病毒的肺炎疫情的通告 XJTLU Notice of Novel Coronavirus

XJTLU 西交利物浦大学 2022-09-10

(Please scroll down for the English version)



  1. 全体学生返校时间推迟至2月22日。在此日期前,所有学生(含培训或短期课程学生)不可返校或返回宿舍;正式开学(教学周第一周)推迟至2月24日开始。

  2. 目前留校的学生请尽量减少外出,并配合每日体温检查工作,如有发热或其他特殊情况,请尽快通过电话联系成长顾问。我们将密切持续关注留校学生的身心健康。

  3. 全体教职员工返校上班时间推迟至2月17日。在此日期前,除防控领导小组成员和小组审批可入校的人员以外,其他教职工不可返校。如有特殊原因需返校,请经邮件批准后,方能按照相应流程入校(联系邮箱见下)。

  4. 全校谢绝所有外来访客,开放时间另行通知。





  • 综合事务(包括员工特殊入校审批):hsc@xjtlu.edu.cn

  • 境内学生事务:onestop@xjtlu.edu.cn

  • 境外学生事务:global@xjtlu.edu.cn

  • 教职员工:StaffOneStop@xjtlu.edu.cn

如有进一步的情况,我们会另行通知,请大家随时关注University Communications。




Dear XJTLU Community,


We are writing to inform you the latest decisions of the University, in accordance with related national, provincial and municipal notices on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus, and based on the latest evaluation of the current conditions by the XJTLU Working Party for Novel Coronavirus Prevention.

  1. All students shall not return to the University or the dormitory until 22nd February, including students on training programmes and short-term courses. The start of teaching (Week 1) has been postponed to 24th February. 

  2. For students currently staying in the dormitory, we urge you to stay in the dormitory for as much time as you can, and receive daily temperature checks. If you have a fever or any other special conditions, please contact your development advisor at the earliest convenience. We will closely follow and provide dedicated support for your health.

  3. All faculty and staff members shall not return to the University for work until 17th February, before which ONLY members of the Working Party and other staff authorized by the Working Party can return to the University. For special cases, please contact the following email address and return to the University when email approvals are given and proper procedures are followed. 

  4. The University will not greet any external visitors until further notices are given.

XJTLU Working Party for Novel Coronavirus Prevention will closely monitor the latest development of new coronavirus, and ensure efforts are in place to secure the safety of our students, staff, campus and XJTLU as a whole community.

We strongly encourage all XJTLU students and staff, during this special time period, to pay close attention to official news about the novel coronavirus, follow suggestions from the authorities, and take the initiative to learn the knowledge of public health prevention and self-protection. We will also release tips and related information regularly.

If you need our advice and support, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will address your concern as soon as possible - specific contact information is listed as follows:

  • General affairs (including special entry applications from staff): hsc@xjtlu.edu.cn

  • Domestic students: onestop@xjtlu.edu.cn

  • Overseas students: global@xjtlu.edu.cn

  • Staff: StaffOneStop@xjtlu.edu.cn

You may receive further notices as we receive updates on the novel coronavirus scenario. Please regularly check notices from the University Communications.

We look forward to greeting you all in the warm and beautiful spring of Suzhou.

XJTLU Working Party for Novel Coronavirus Prevention 

January 27 2020


