Women Empowerment Awards in China | FAQ
Who is eligible to be nominated for the Women Empowerment Awards?
Any woman, man, organization, or corporation that has made a significant contribution to advancing women's rights and equality is eligible to be nominated for a Women Empowerment Award. This includes women or men from all walks of life, in all fields of work, and from all backgrounds.
Nominations will be considered based on the following criteria:
The nominee’s impact on the community or the world 被提名者对社区或社会的影响力
The nominee’s leadership and innovation 被提名者的领导力和创新能力
The nominee’s commitment to social justice and equality 被提名者对社会公正和平等做出的贡献
The nominee’s personal and professional achievements 被提名者的个人和专业成就
How do I nominate someone for the Women Empowerment Awards?
To nominate someone for the Women Empowerment Awards, please visit our website, and complete the nomination form (https://womenempowermentcouncil.com/we-awards/). The nomination form will ask for information about the woman, man, or organization you are nominating, their accomplishments, and why you believe she/he/it is deserving of the award.
What is the deadline for nominations?
The deadline for nominations is June 9th, 2023.
What happens after I submit a nomination?
Once your nomination is submitted, it will be reviewed by a panel of judges. A consultant will shortlist the top five, and the judges will select the three finalists and a winner in each category. The winners will be announced at the Women Empowerment Awards ceremony in September 2023 in Beijing.
What are the benefits of winning a Women Empowerment Award?
Winners will get the deserved recognition for their achievements, will be featured in our annual awards publication and post-event posts, and will have an opportunity to network with other leaders in their field.
We hope you will join us for the Q&A session on Friday, May 26th to learn more about the Women Empowerment Awards!
Free and Easy to nominate!
* Previous year winners (2022) can only submit in the same category again after two consecutive years (2024)
中国女性赋权奖由 WE 女性发展协会(WEC)于2021年创立,是一项独立且具有包容性的奖项计划,与任何一个公司、组织或机构无关。该奖项旨在表彰那些在促进女性就业方面表现出坚定承诺,并采取行动有效促进性别平等,推动更强大商业成果的开拓性个人和创新公司。
The Women Empowerment Council (WEC) is an engaged network of leaders and decision-makers that aims to advance gender equality in businesses in China and beyond.