
Women Empowerment Awards in China | Last Chance to Nominate

WE Council 2023-09-17
Calling all those who support gender equality!

There are only a few days left to nominate an individual or company for the Women Empowerment Awards! Seize this opportunity to recognize those who are making a difference in our community.


There are individual categories for community leaders, corporate leaders, entrepreneurs, and male allies and company categories for small businesses, multinational corporations, and civic organizations.


Nominations are free and easy to submit. Simply follow these tips:


1. Choose the best category and review the criteria. 选择最合适的奖项类别申请,并仔细阅读评选标准

2. Be bold in sharing your successes. 要勇于分享你的成功

3. Cite relevant results. 引用相关成果材料加以证明

4. Give testimonials where possible. 尽可能提供推荐信
5. Ensure accuracy and relevance. 请确保材料的准确性和相关性

To nominate someone, visit our website today!


Nominations close on June 9th!


Please find additional details about the categories:


      • Community Woman Leader of the Year Award: This award recognizes a woman who has made a significant impact in her community through her leadership and advocacy for women's issues.


      • Corporate Woman Leader of the Year Award: This award recognizes a woman who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the corporate world.


      • Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award: This award recognizes a woman who has founded and successfully grown a business.


      • Male Ally of the Year Award: This award recognizes a man who has demonstrated outstanding support for women's empowerment.


      • Best SME for the Advancement of Women: This award recognizes a small business that has implemented innovative programs and practices to promote women's empowerment.


      • Best MNC for the Advancement of Women: This award recognizes a multinational corporation that has implemented innovative programs and practices to promote women's empowerment.


      • Best Civic Organization for the Advancement of Women: This award recognizes a civic organization (NGO/Non-profit, school, or any other community organization) that is making a real difference in the lives of women. An organization that is working to improve women's access to education, healthcare, employment, and other resources.

        促进女性发展最佳基层组织奖:该奖项旨在表彰那些真正帮助女性改变生活基层组织(非政府组织 / 非营利性组织、学校或任何其他社区组织)而这些组织一直积极致力于帮助女性在教育、医疗健康、就业和联接其他资源等方面得到改善。
Please nominate those who you believe deserves to be recognized for her/his achievements.


The Women Empowerment Council (WEC) is an engaged network of leaders and decision-makers that aims to advance gender equality in businesses in China and beyond. 

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