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吹号角的凌飞 吹号角的凌飞 2021-01-24








  1. 人是被造而平等,而非生而平等,在上帝与制度面前人人平等

  2. 左派教育总是在试图抹去人与人的不同,抹去不同的目的是为了制造乌托邦

  3. 当乌托邦与现实世界不同时,要么是被教育错了,要么是现实错了,而年轻人总是成为乌托邦幻想的炮灰

  4. 左派教育年轻人不能谈内因,因为可能“伤害到个人的感受”,放弃对内因的追究,自然的,人们只能去外因上疯狂寻找原因

  5. 把自己不好的一切都归咎于外因,结果变得无法自我成长,最后沦为打砸抢烧,破坏一切比自己好的暴乱分子

  6. 否定内因的作用,优秀的华二代被教育成自己优秀是因为外因,也就是所谓的“特权”

  7. 华一代父母的努力奋斗是一种无声的,潜移默化的内因教育,让他们从小就有了很好的自我驱动

  8. 左派这种不讲内因的教育,让华二代无法认清自己,认清自己的父母,认清自己的家庭教育

  9. 高中之后就很难改变华二代价值观了,而当现实教会下一代时,往往下一代额外付出了巨大的代价,家长们你们希望这样吗?

  10. 打个广告,7月11日上午11点,13大道 Bay Ridge Parkway ,支持纽约警察游行。



All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.






《独立宣言》里面“All men are created equal”,开国先贤们很明确地使用了“created ”这个词,而不是“born ”这个词。


而在明显左派化的《世界人权宣言》中,则是这样说的“All human beings are born equal”,所以,左派的教育,一直在主动的、自动地、显然地试图抹去人与人内在的不同,抹去人与人起点的不同。






























All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

—— Leo Tolstoy; “Anna Karenina”

Why cover up the differences between people?

Everyone is inherently different. When each person is born, genes give them various mental and physiological differences, both advantageous and disadvantageous. Similarly, everyone’s starting point is different. A child born in a good, well-knit family has a drastically different starting point than one born in a single-parent or violent / turbulent family. Mindsets, virtues, and values both after and during education vary from person to person. 

And yet, this honest truth is still denied. The left treats everyone as if they’re all the same from the same batch of products, from the same factory. There’s no logic behind it; it’s an absurd idea. And nonetheless, even in the same factory there will be numerous differences from batch to batch! One batch will always be different from another and have different advantages and disadvantages, otherwise there would be no need for quality inspection departments and the warranty systems.

It’s set in paper that all people are created, not born, equal. 

In the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers clearly wrote “All men are created equal, rather than “All men are born equal”.

In  Universal Declaration of Human Rights(leftist), the writers wrote “All human beings are born equal”, completely crushing and ignoring obvious, important differences from person to person.

This is what the left is doing today. It’s attempting to brutally crush and erase the differences between people, their starting point, their mindset, environment, everything.

And what’s the purpose of this? It creates the perfect environment for toxic utopia consciousness, corrupting everyone’s minds and making them fight for something that is  impossible. Providing fuel for a revolution that sounds great until it happens. 

—————The real world is entirely different from said utopia. Is the utopia false, or is reality false?

Young people are more inclined to believe that reality is false. Their impulse to correct what they believe are “mistakes of reality” generates the fuel for insane revolution generation after generation after generation.

—————It’s a dark truth. In the end, these young people are just fuel. And when the fuel burns out, it’s tossed away like cannon fodder, worthless…

Interestingly, when the left is forced to confront these clear internal inequalities between people, they’re suspiciously reluctant and silent. Such obvious environmental and natural differences, completely ignored by leftist bankers, scientists, politicians, nba players, etc.

They only talk about external causes, but never internal causes.

Under a leftist education, important differences between people are ignored and erased. They only preach the influence of external factors, rather than also the more prominent influence of internal factors.

But why do such a foolish thing? The answer is simple and incredibly stupid; because talking about such internal problems will “hurt your feelings”.

Avoidance of hurting others’ feelings is a good thing. However, the education of the left places an idiotically strong emphasis on it. Since you could possibly hurt someone’s feelings by talking about internal factors, it’s obviously a great harm and terrible thing to do if you do talk about internal causes, at least in their foggy eyes. The absurdity of talking only about external factors and not internal factors is only due to their lack of logic, and their inability to understand reality. In the real world, there will never be a utopian “equality” between people based solely off of “results”. The reason is complicated, but the short of it is that both internal and external factors do exist, and will always affect each other.

Despite this, the left teaches that you still can’t “harm personal feelings”, and henceforth should give up any investigation or research into any internal causes of any problems. Naturally, the poor students educated in this manner then blame every problem on external factors, and become completely unable to truly self-grow. When all is said and done, the easily-impressioned student becomes a rioter that smashes, burns, and destroys everything better than her / himself.

—————Yes, I’m talking about the white leftists and the bottom of African descent in this destruction.

And now those once-outstanding students can never reach their full potential, because the education they received throws away internal teachings with the trash. They can neither recognize their excellence within, nor can they realize their potential excellence.

Sadly, because of the corrupted teachings they were taught, they believe that since all internal values must be the same for everyone, their own excellence cannot be internal and therefore must be external. Clearly, their success and excellence must be because of “privilege”, they think. What a ridiculous conclusion.

This is why some of the 2nd-generation Chinese are brainless enough to believe in “privilege”. This is the absurd result of ignoring internal factors, and boasting external factors.

Of course, this is also because the 2nd-generation Chinese have little to none independent thinking of their own, and will instead follow the ideas of a leftist flock of sheep that seems to know where it’s going, while it’s really headed into a garbage dump.

As my readers pointed out angrily in numerous messages: “Those blond girls, they accuse us of not understanding American history and the ethnic issues of the United States. How can they truly understand the history of the first generation of Chinese immigrants and our state of mind? They can’t even speak Chinese with any sort of decency. How much do they know about Chinese history? How much do they know about modern Chinese history? Are they even willing to understand it? Do they know how and why we abandoned our hometown where we grew up, left our parents to feed ourselves, went through the oceans and seas, all while facing countless obstacles and hardships along the way, just to settle in this new home?”

The 2nd generation of Chinese, who were nurtured at a great cost to their Chinese parents unbeknownst to them, have constantly failed over and over again to truly understand themselves, their parents, and their education because of the leftist education system in public schools.

The hard work of Chinese parents is a silent, subtle, self-driven kind of education.

    However, this kind of leftist education, which dumps out internal factors and exaggerates external factors, will corrupt and turn children against parents if it isn’t stopped soon. The false ideologies of “privilege” will become the internal reason for family conflict.

And so, parents, from now on, don’t let valuable education slide into the filthy, scheming hands of the left!


由Bay Ridge, Bensenhurst, Sunset Park 和 Dyker Heights 居民组织的支持NYPD游行將在下周六 (7/11)早上11点 举行。

集合地点在13大道 Bay Ridge Parkway ,路线从13大道步行至86街。 







