

2017-03-20 商务印书馆英语编辑室



Appointment with Death   

Part 1   Chapter 1

“Don’t you agree that she’s got to be killed?” The words seemed to hang in the still night air, before disappearing into the darkness.


It was Hercule Poirot’s first night in the city of Jerusalem, and he was shutting his hotel-room window — the night air was a danger to his health! — when he overheard① these words. He smiled. “Even on holiday, I am reminded of crime,” he said to himself. “No doubt someone is talking about a play or a book.” As he walked over to his bed, he thought about the voice he had heard. It was the voice of a man — or a boy — and had sounded nervous and excited. “I will remember that voice,” said Hercule Poirot to himself, as he lay down to sleep. “Yes, I will remember.”


In the room next door, Raymond Boynton and his sister Carol looked out of their window into the dark-blue night sky. Raymond said again, “Don’t you agree that she’s got to be killed? It can’t go on② like this — it can’t. We must do something — and what else can we do?”


Carol said in a hopeless voice, “If only we could just leave somehow! But we can’t — we can’t.”


“People would say we were crazy,” said Raymond bitterly③. “They would wonder why we can’t just walk out —”


Carol said slowly, “Perhaps we are crazy!”

① overhear v. 无意中听到

② go on 持续

③ bitterly adv. 气愤地

“Perhaps we are,” agreed Raymond. “After all, we are calmly planning to kill our own mother!”


“She isn’t our real mother!” said Carol. “She’s our stepmother①!”


There was a pause②. “Do you still think she has to die?” asked Raymond quietly.


“Yes, I do,” said Carol. “She’s mad — she must be. She — she wouldn’t treat us so badly, torture③ us like this if she wasn’t mad. It’s lasted for years and years, and I don’t think it will ever stop. We keep saying, 'She’ll die some time’— but she hasn’t died! I don’t think she will ever die, unless —”


“Unless we kill her,” said Raymond. “And you or I must do it — not our brother Lennox, or our sister Ginevra. They mustn’t be involved.”


“And we must do it quickly,” said Carol, “I’m really worried about Ginevra — she’s getting worse.”


“And it’s not really wrong,” said Raymond. “It’s just like killing a mad dog, before it hurts anyone else.”


Carol stood up suddenly, pushing back her red brown-hair from her face. “But we would still be sent to prison④ if we were found out. How could we explain what mother is like? It would sound crazy — as if we were imagining it.”

“Nobody will know,” said Raymond. “I’ve got a plan. We’ll be safe.”


“Ray,” said Carol, “you’re different in some way. Something’s happened to you. Was it that girl you met on the train?”

① stepmother n. 继母

② pause n. 停顿

③ torture v. 折磨

④ prison n. 监狱

“No, of course not,” said Raymond. “Carol, don’t talk nonsense①. Let’s talk about my plan.”


“Are you sure it will work?” asked Carol.


“Yes, I am,” replied her brother. “We must wait for the right opportunity, of course. And then — we'll all be free.” “Free?” Carol looked up at the stars. Then suddenly she started to cry. “It’s such a lovely night, with the stars in the sky. If only we could be part of it all, like other people. But instead we are strange and twisted② and wrong. Even if mother dies — isn't it too late for us to change?”


“No, Carol, it’s not too late,” said Raymond. “But if you don’t want to —“


“I do want to — we must do it,” said Carol. “Because of the others — and especially Ginevra. We must save Ginevra!”


Raymond paused a moment. “All right, we’ll do it,” he said. “I’ll tell you my plan.”

① nonsense n. 胡说八道

② twisted adj. 扭曲的



Petra is an ancient and beautiful city, built into the tall red-coloured cliffs over two thousand years ago by people called the Nabataeans. They made the city an important place to stop for traders, people who travelled across the country from China, India and Egypt selling spices and silks.

Although there have always been people living in Petra since the time of the Nabataeans, the city was only rediscovered by travellers from Europe in 1812. To get there you still have to walk or ride — like Sarah King and her companions did — over half a mile (1 kilometre) through the Siq, a narrow valley with tall steep cliffs at either side.

The city is spread across a large area and has hundreds of buildings, including streets, temples and tombs, where the dead were buried. There are also remains of Roman buildings,an open-air theatre and a religious monastery — and of course the “Place of Sacrifice”,where animals were killed to please the gods.



尽管自纳巴泰人时代以来一直有人类居住在佩特拉,该城直到1812年才被来自欧洲的旅行者重新发现。要到那里,只有通过步行或骑行——正如Sarah King及其旅伴们那样——穿过半英里长的西克峡谷,这是一处狭窄的山谷,两边是又高又陡峭的悬崖。








《怪屋》(Crooked House)

《密码》(N or M?)

《魔手》(The Moving Finger)

《地狱之旅》(Destination Unknown)

《古屋疑云》(Peril at End House)

《借镜杀人》(They Do It with Mirrors)

《罗杰疑案》(The Murder of Roger Ackroyd)

《寓所谜案》(The Murder at the Vicarage)

《云中奇案》(Death in the Cloud)

《死亡约会》(Appointment with Death)

《葬礼之后》(After the Funeral)

《鸽群中的猫》(Cat among the Pigeons)

《命案目睹记》(4.50 from Paddington)

《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》(The Mysterious Affair at Styles)

《闪光的氰化物》(Sparkling Cyanide)

《穿棕色套装的人》(The Man in the Brown Suit)

《国际学舍谋杀案》(Hickory Dickory Dock)



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