
有声书 | American Folk Tales (美国传奇故事)2.2




Folk Tales



William Gibson

往期回听 | American Folk Tales

有声书 | American Folk Tales (美国传奇故事)1.1

有声书 | American Folk Tales (美国传奇故事)1.2

有声书 | American Folk Tales (美国传奇故事)2.1

有声书 | American Folk Tales (美国传奇故事)2.2

今日连载 | The Tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby · 3.1


Part 1: The Tar Baby

It was a hot day in August. Summer is a very hot season in the South of the United States. All the animals on the old plantation① had a rest.


Brer Fox was outside his house. He sat under a magnolia② tree and drank cold lemonade③. He was very hot. He was also angry and nervous. Brer Fox didn't like Brer Rabbit. Before Brer Rabbit came to the old plantation, Brer Fox was a happy fox. The old plantation was a peaceful place. Brer Rabbit tricked④ everyone. He tricked Brer Bear, Brer Turtle, Brer Wolf and Brer Fox.


Brer Rabbit was a very intelligent rabbit. He was young and dressed well. Brer Fox was tired of⑤ Brer Rabbit. He decided to trick him. He went to garden and took a big bucket of tar. He put other oils in the bucket too. Then he mixed the tar for a long time. The tar had a terrible odor⑥. It was very sticky⑦.


Brer Fox went into his house. He went to the kitchen to look for an old straw hat, but he didn't find it. Then he went to the living room. He looked there too. Finally he went to the bedroom. In the bedroom he found an old straw hat, two buttons and a comb. He put them in a sack. Then he took the bucket of tar and walked to the road.


He threw the tar near a log⑧and made a big black Tar Baby. He put the old straw hat on the Tar Baby. He put on two buttons for the eyes. Then he put on the comb for the mouth. Brer Fox looked at his work and was happy.


The Tar Baby was ready! Brer Fox hid behind a big tree. He waited for Brer Rabbit to walk by. He waited and waited. It was very hot.


After an hour Brer Rabbit walked down the road. He was very happy. He walked, jumped and sang a song.


Brer Fox watched him from behind the tree. Suddenly Brer Rabbit saw the Tar Baby! He stopped and looked at it. Brer Rabbit was a friendly rabbit. He said, "Good morning! It's a hot day today! "


The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.


"I am from the old plantation," said Brer Rabbit. "Where are you from?"


The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.


Brer Fox watched everything from behind the tree. He wanted to laugh, but he didn't.


Brer Rabbit tried again. "Good morning! How are you?" The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.


"What are you doing here? Where are you from?" Brer Rabbit asked again.

The Tar Baby smiled but didn't answer.


Brer Rabbit was angry. His face and ears were red.


"Can you hear me? I said 'Good morning!' Why don't you answer me?" he shouted. There was no answer.


Brer Rabbit was very angry. "You are very unfriendly. I'm a friendly rabbit. I want to be your friend. Who are you?"


The Tar Baby didn't answer.


Brer Rabbit was furious⑨! He hit the Tar Baby! His front paw⑩ was stuck in the Tar Baby's face⑪.


Brer Fox was very happy. He laughed quietly.


“Let me go!” said Brer Rabbit.


The Tar Baby did not let go.


"Let me go!" said Brer Rabbit again.


Brer Rabbit kicked the Tar Baby. Now his back paw was stuck in the Tar Baby's body.


"Please, let me go⑫!" shouted Brer Rabbit.


He kicked the Tar Baby again. Now his other back paw was stuck.


"Help! I can't move!" he shouted. "This is terrible!"


Poor Rabbit! He was covered with tar. His face and ears were black with tar. His paws were black with tar. He was a very unhappy rabbit.



① plantation:种植园

② magnolia:木兰

③ lemonade:柠檬水

④ tricked:欺骗

⑤ was tired of:感到厌倦的

⑥ odor:气味

⑦ sticky:黏的

⑧ log:树枝

⑨ furious:非常愤怒的

⑩ paw:爪

⑪ was stuck in the Tar Baby's face:粘在柏油娃娃的脸上

⑫ let me go:放开我


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