
有声书 | King Arthur And His Knights 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 08



King Arthur 

And His Knights



 Jane Austen

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有声书 | 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 01

有声书 | 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 02

有声书 | 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 03

有声书 | 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 04

有声书 | 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 05

有声书 | 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 06

有声书 | 亚瑟王与圆桌骑士 07

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King Arthur And His Knights 08


Chapter Eight: The Holy Grail①


One day the knights were sitting at the Round Table. They were celebrating a religious holiday. Suddenly, there was a loud noise. Then there was a strong light. A green bowl covered with a cloth moved around the room. Invisible② hands carried it. After a few moments, the green bowl disappeared③.


"That was the Holy Grail!" exclaimed King Arthur. "That is where Christ's blood was kept after he was crucified④."


The knights were amazed. They all wanted to see the Holy Grail.


Sir Gawain, a loyal knight, declared⑤, "I want to look for the Grail for one year and one day."


"Yes, I want to look for the Grail too," said another knight.


All the knights wanted to travel to distant lands to find the Holy Grail. There was great excitement⑥ at the Round Table.


King Arthur was very worried. He knew that the search⑦ for the Holy Grail was dangerous. In fact, many knights died during the search. Others never returned to Camelot.


Only three knights found the Holy Grail. They were Galahad, Percival and Bors. All three had pure hearts. Only those with pure hearts saw the Holy Grail. The three knights travelled to distant lands. After many dangerous adventures, they found the Holy Grail.


When they saw it on a silver table, they thanked God for this great happiness. After finding the Grail, Galahad and Percival died. But Bors returned to Camelot. He told everyone about his wonderful experience.



① The Holy grail:圣杯。

② invisible:看不见的。

③ disappeared:消失。

④ was crucified:被钉再十字架上。

⑤ declared:宣布。

⑥ excitement:兴奋。

⑦ search:寻找。


◆ 资源 | 牛津书虫系列(文本音频合集)

◆ 资源 | 圣诞大礼包

◆ 资源 | 小王子系列 (有声书及电影合集)

◆ 资源 | 纳尼亚传奇系列 (小说全集+电影)

◆ 资源 | 小猪佩奇 中英文动画+绘本合集

 资源 | 漫威英雄电影系列

◆ 资源 | 奥斯卡最佳动画长片合集

◆ 资源丨《走遍美国》全78集(MP4视频 等)

 合集 | Peter Pan (彼·得潘) 

◆ 合集 | 美国英雄 (Davy Crockett)

◆ 合集 | 美国传奇故事 (附音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | Zorro (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 风中奇缘 (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 欢乐洋节日(含音频文本资源)

图片  |  网络

编辑  |  孟一凡





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