
有声书 | Robin Hood 《罗宾汉》 06



Robin Hood  



Sally M. Stockton

今日连载 | Robin Hood  06


Chapter 6: The Sheriff's Ride

Robin Hood's fame was everywhere. The people called him Saint Robin, and Robin, Sheriff of Sherwood Forest. A lot of new outlaws joined Robin Hood. They were loyal to him and followed him everywhere. The Sheriff's men did not want to go to Sherwood Forest to capture Robin Hood. They were afraid. The Sheriff of Nottingham was very angry. He wanted to capture Robin, dead or alive!


"What is wrong with my men? They're afraid of Robin Hood. They are all stupid cowards①! I don't need anyone! I am going to Sherwood Forest alone! I'm not afraid of a legend."


The Sheriff left for Sherwood Forest alone. He entered the dark forest and saw no one for a long time. Suddenly, a group of outlaws jumped down front the tree tops. They made a big circle around the Sheriff. Then they took out their swords. The Sheriff was terrified. His face became white.


One outlaw said, "Well, well! What do we have here? The Sheriff of Nottingham in person②!"


"Oh, please, don't kill me!" said the cowardly Sheriff. "I can give you everything I have!"


The outlaws laughed at the Sheriff and said, "Our master is waiting for you."


"Robin Hood?" asked the Sheriff.


"Yes! Robin Hood! You are invited to eat with us."


"I'm not hungry. Let me go! I can give you money, gold, jewels! But please let me go!" the Sheriff said.


"Start walking, you butcher③," said Will Scarlett. The outlaws took the Sheriff to Robin Hood.


"Let's kill him!" the outlaws cried. "Let's kill this fat butcher now!"


Robin Hood looked at the Sheriff with disgust④. He wanted to kill him too. But Marian stopped him. "We are not butchers like this man," said Marian. "We are honest people."


"Sit down and eat with us, Sheriff," said Robin. "After the meal, I have a surprise for you."


The Sheriff was not hungry. At the end of the meal, Robin said, "Now give us everything you have - money, gold, jewels. Then, take off all your clothes. Get on your horse and return to Nottingham naked⑤!"


Robin, Marian and the outlaws laughed wildly⑥. The Sheriff got on his horse and returned to Nottingham. He was very cold and very angry.


"I must capture that Robin Hood and destroy him!" shouted the Sheriff. When he reached Nottingham, the people saw him naked. Everyone looked at him. They pointed at⑦ him and laughed loudly. "Long live Robin Hood, the Sheriff of Sherwood Forest!" they cried.



① cowards:胆小鬼。

② in person:本人。

③ butcher:屠夫。

④ disgust:厌恶。

⑤ naked:裸体的。

⑥ wildly: 失控的。

⑦ pointed at:指指点点。


◆ 资源 | 牛津书虫系列(文本音频合集)

◆ 资源 | 圣诞大礼包

◆ 资源 | 小王子系列 (有声书及电影合集)

◆ 资源 | 纳尼亚传奇系列 (小说全集+电影)

◆ 资源 | 小猪佩奇 中英文动画+绘本合集

 资源 | 漫威英雄电影系列

◆ 资源 | 奥斯卡最佳动画长片合集

◆ 资源丨《走遍美国》全78集(MP4视频 等)

 合集 | Peter Pan (彼·得潘) 

◆ 合集 | 美国英雄 (Davy Crockett)

◆ 合集 | 美国传奇故事 (附音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | Zorro (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 风中奇缘 (附电影音频文本资源)

◆ 合集 | 欢乐洋节日(含音频文本资源)

图片  |  网络

编辑  |  孟一凡





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