
有声书 | 哈姆雷特 04









 William Shakespear

往期回听 | 哈姆雷特

有声书 | 哈姆雷特 01

有声书 | 哈姆雷特 02

有声书 | 哈姆雷特 03

今日连载 | 哈姆雷特 04


Part Four: Murder and Exile ①

It is the middle of the night, the time for witches ② and ghosts. Hamlet goes to see his mother in her bedroom. He does not know that someone is hiding behind the curtain and listening to everything.


'Hamlet, why did you offend ③ the king?'


'Mother, why did you betray ④ my father?'


'Don't move. I want to talk to you. I want to make you look into the mirror

of your soul.'


The Queen is afraid of Hamlet and she begins to scream ⑤ . The spy behind the curtain shouts for help. Hamlet turns round quickly and without thinking kills the listener.


'Are you going to murder me? Help! Help!'


'Help! Murder!'


'What's that? Is it a rat ⑥ ? Is it the King?'


When Hamlet pulls back ⑦ the curtain, he sees Polonius… dead!


'What have you done? You have murdered Polonius!'


'I thought it was the King! I'm sorry that I have killed this poor fool. But Mother, I'm not as bad as you. You killed a king and married his brother.'


'What do you mean?' 


Suddenly, the Ghost appears in the room. He has come to remind ⑧Hamlet to take revenge before it is too late. Gertrude cannot see or hear him, so she thinks that Hamlet is crazy.


'Hamlet, don't hurt ⑨ your mother. Remember that you must kill Claudius. Don't waste time!'


'What is he looking at? He's mad. Oh, my poor son!'


'Can't you see him, Mother? Don't you pity him?'


'Hamlet, here is nothing there except the air.'


The Ghost disappears.


'No, I'm not mad, Mother. Look at this portrait of my father. He was a good, brave, handsome man. Remember him and stay away from Claudius!'


'I will, sweet Hamlet.'


'But as soon as Claudius kisses you, you will forget everything and tell him my secrets.'


'No, I promise not to betray you.'


'I am glad, Mother. Now I must take away Polonius's body. Goodnight.'


When Claudius hears that Hamlet has killed Polonius, he decides to send the Prince away.


'Hamlet is dangerous. I shall send him to England. Perhaps he will recover from his madness in a different country. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, go with him and look after him.'


'I shall send secret letters to the King of England. I shall tell the English to execute Hamlet as soon as soon as he arrives. When he is dead, I shall be safe.'




Narrator: It was a long journey be sea to England. One night, Hamlet could not sleep because he was thinking about all his problems. He got out of bed and walked around the ship.


While Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were sleeping, he stole Claudiu's letter to the King of England. To his surprise, he read these orders:


'As soon as Hamlet arrives, cut off his head.'


Hamlet quickly prepared another letter. 'Execute the people who bring you this letter,' he wrote. He signed it 'Cloudius'. Then he went back to his cabin and hid the original letter.


'When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern arrive in England,' he thought, 'the English King will execute them, But how am I going to return to Denmark?'


The next morning, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern woke up without realising that the letter had been changed.


① exile:放逐。


③ offend:冒犯。

④ betray:出卖。

⑤ scream:大叫。

⑥ rat:老鼠。

⑦ pulls back:拉开。

⑧ remind:提醒。

⑨ hurt:伤害。


◆ 外刊共读资源群 

时代周刊 ◆纽约客 ◆ 四六级◆ BEC 经济学人合集 ◆ TED合集 

◆ 牛津书虫  ◆ 圣诞大礼包  ◆ 小王子  ◆ 纳尼亚   小猪佩奇 

 漫威英雄电影  ◆ 走遍美国 ◆ 奥斯卡最佳动画  

◆ 彼·得潘  ◆美国英雄  ◆美国传奇故事 Zorro 风中奇缘 

◆ 欢乐洋节日 ◆ 亚瑟王与他的圆桌骑士 ◆ 罗宾汉 

◆ 昔日的英国王室 王尔德

图片 | 网络

编辑 | 孟一凡

比心心 嗷~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

