
有声书 | 化身博士 01






The strange Case 

of Dr Jekyll 

and Mr Hydel



Robert Louis Stevenson

The strange Case 

of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Part One: Story of the Door

Mr Utterson was a lawyer① in London. He was a very serious man, and he did not often smile or laugh. He lived alone, and he had a very quiet life. His friends liked him because he was kind. They trusted② him with their secrets.


One of Mr Utterson's closest③ friends was Mr Richard Enfield, who was a relative④ of his. Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield walked together every Sunday. They did not say much to each other, but they enjoyed their walks.


One Sunday Mr Utterson was walking with Mr Enfield. They were in a quiet street of the city. All the houses in the street were clean and cheerful⑤, except for one. The door of this house was dirty. No one seemed to live there.


Mr Enfield looked at the house for a moment, and then he said to Mr Utterson,


'Do you see that house? I know a strange story, and that house is part of the story.'


'Oh!' said Mr Utterson. 'What is the story?'


'I'll tell you,' Mr Enfield said. 'One night I was walking home along this street. It was winter, and it was very late. There was nobody in the street. I was frightened. Suddenly I saw two people. One was a little girl, and the other was a man. The little girl was running towards the main⑥ street. The man was walking down the main street. They ran into each other at the corner, and the little girl fell down.


Then something horrible happened, and I have never been able to forget it. The little girl was on the ground. The man continued walking. He walked right⑦ over the girl's body! She began to scream and cry. It was very frightening, the way he walked over her.


'I went after⑧ the man, and I brought him back. He was a small man, I remember, and there was something strange about him. I hated him the moment I saw him, I don't know why. 'When we came back to the little girl, there was a crowd⑨ in the street. The girl's family was there. There was also a doctor. Everybody was very angry. The girl was all right, but she was crying. Her family was very angry with the man. 'I hated the man, and I could see that everybody hated him. We all wanted to kill him. We decided to punish him. I told him that he had done a horrible thing. '"We will tell everybody," I said. "You will have no friends when they know what you did tonight." 'The man was frightened. We told him to pay the girl's family some money. We told him to give the family one hundred pounds. It was a lot of money. '''Very well," agreed the man, "I will give the family one hundred pounds." 'It was late at night,' Mr Enfield told Mr Utterson. 'It is difficult to find one hundred pounds in the middle of the night. We went with the man, and he came to this old house. He opened the door with a key. He went inside, and he came out with the money. He had ten pounds in notes, and a cheque⑩ for ninety pounds. The cheque was not his — it was signed by another man. The other man is very well known in London.


'"This is very strange," I thought. "Perhaps the cheque is a forgery⑪." I told the man my suspicions. He laughed at me. '''You don't trust⑫ me," he said. "I will stay with you until the bank opens.'" 'So the man stayed with us,' Mr Enfield went on, 'and in the morning we all went to the bank. The bank paid the cheque—it was not a forgery, after all.' 'Oh!' said Mr Utterson sadly. 'I know what you are thinking,' Mr Enfield said. 'How was it possible for this terrible man to be a friend of the man who wrote the cheque? Perhaps the terrible man is blackmailing⑬ him.' Mr Utterson looked at the house again. Then he asked Mr Enfield a question. 'The man who wrote the cheque,' he asked, 'does he live in that house?' 'No,' said Mr Enfield, 'he doesn't live there. I discovered that later. He lives somewhere else.' 'So who actually lives in the house?' Mr Utterson asked. 'I don't know,' Mr Enfield said. 'I didn't want to ask too many questions. I don't like asking questions. But I know that the strange man uses the house very often. I have seen him come in and go out.' Mr Utterson was silent for a moment. Then he said, 'I agree with you: it is best not to ask questions sometimes. But tell me, do you know the name of the strange man?' 'Yes,' answered Mr Enfield. 'His name is Mr Hyde.'


'What is he like?' asked Mr Utterson. 'He is small,' said Mr Enfield, 'and there is something ugly about him. I hated him the moment I saw him. So did everybody else that night.' 'You say that he had a key to the door of this house?' asked Mr Utterson. 'Yes, he did,' Mr Enfield replied. 'He opened the door with a key.' Mr Utterson looked sad. Then he said, 'I have not asked you the name of the man who wrote the cheque. That is because I already know his name.'


① lawyer:律师。

② trusted:告诉。

③ closest:最亲密的。

④ relative:亲属。

⑤ cheerful:光洁亮丽的。

⑥ main:主要的。

⑦ right:完全的。

⑧ went after:追随。

⑨ crowd:人群。

⑩ cheque:支票。

⑪ forgery:伪造物。

⑫ trust:相信。

⑬ blackmailing:勒索。


◆ 外刊共读资源群 

时代周刊 ◆纽约客 四六级 BEC 经济学人合集 

TED合集  牛津书虫  圣诞大礼包  小王子  纳尼亚   

小猪佩奇  漫威英雄电影  ◆ 走遍美国 ◆ 奥斯卡动画  

彼·得潘  ◆美国英雄  ◆美国传奇故事 Zorro 风中奇缘 

欢乐洋节日 亚瑟王与他的圆桌骑士 罗宾汉 

昔日的英国王室 王尔德 ◆哈姆雷特 ◆秘密花园 

图片 | 网络

编辑 | 孟一凡

