
【光启古典学讲座系列·2023年秋季】预告 | 江沙维《辣丁中华合璧字典》及其电子化

光启国际学者中心 光启国际学者中心 2023-10-11


Gonçalves’ Lexicon Magnum Latino-Sinicum and Its Digitization


主题 Topic

(英文讲座 presentation in English)


Gonçalves’ Lexicon Magnum Latino-Sinicum and Its Digitization

主讲人 Speakers

Christopher Francese 

(Dickinson College 迪金森学院)

Lara Frymark

主持人 Hosts

Marc Matrangelo

Professor of Cllassical Studies, Dickinson College

刘津瑜 Jinyu Liu

(Acting Betty Gage Holland Professor of Roman History, Emory University)

时间 Time


(=美东时间10月17日上午7时October 17 at 7am EDT)


Zoom Link 链接:https://emory.zoom.us/j/92086364569

 Or use the Meeting ID 92086364569 to log in 



Christopher Francese : Asbury J. Clarke Professor of Classical Studies at Dickinson College and Project Director of Dickinson College Commentaries (DCC)。欧柏林学院学士、德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校博士,美国迪金森学院古典系讲座教授。主治罗马文化与文学以及希腊神话学。著作包括 Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Sources (Hackett, 2014), Ancient Rome in So Many Words (Hippocrene, 2007), 以及 Parthenius of Nicaea and Roman Poetry (Peter Lang, 2001)。积极推动古典学领域数字人文(Digital Humanities)的建设,为“迪金森学院注疏”(Dickinson College Commentaries)创始人之人并担任其主编;与中国学者合作创办“迪金森古典学在线”(Dickinson Classics Online)并担任主编之一,拉丁文--中文、古希腊文--中文核心词汇表以及文本译注。Francese教授致力于推广拉丁语教学,制作了大量的拉丁文诗歌播客(Podcast),并长期组织拉丁语工作坊和教师培训。

Lara Frymark:2012 graduate of Dickinson, holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Brandeis University. She has worked as a developer for DCC since 2016.


The Jesuit missionaries in China compiled a number of Chinese-Latin/Latin-Chinese dictionaries in the time period between the 17th century and the 20th century. They are not frequently consulted as dictionaries nowadays. But their historical, linguistic, and cultural values are increasingly been recognized. In this lecture, Professor Christopher Francese of Dickinson College, and Ms. Lara Frymark will share their experiences studying and digitizing Lexicon Magnum Latino-Sinicum, 3rd edition (Peking: Typis Congregationis Missionis, 1936 [1st ed. Macau, 1841]) by Joaquim Affonso Gonçalves, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary active in Macau in the 19th century. This digitization project was made possible by the Roberts Fund for Classical Studies, Dickinson College.

◀ A sample page from Gonçalves’ Lexicon Magnum Latino-Sinicum 江沙维《辣丁中华合璧字典》中的一页.

▲ 数字化版搜索界面 Search interface

本讲座为英文讲座,但讨论环节中英文皆可使用(The presentation is in English. Both Chinese and English may be used during the Q and A session.)

本讲座对公众开放!并敬请期待本学期的下列讲座(This virtual event is free and open to all! Please also find the upcoming lectures listed below.):

北京时间11月4日上午10时(=美东时间11月3日晚10时November 3 at 10pm EDT)

冼若冰Ruobing Xian (Fudan University 复旦大学), Space and Narrative in the Odyssey《奥德赛》中的空间与叙事 (中文讲座 presentation in Chinese)

北京时间12月16日上午10时(=美中时间12月15日晚8时December 15 at 8pm CST)

翟牧泗 James Zainaldin (Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学), Between Mourning and Consolation: The Greco-Roman and Chinese Philosophical Traditions on Grief and Loss 在悼念与慰藉之间:希腊罗马与中国关于悲伤与失去的哲学传统(英文讲座 presentation in English)


