

哲斯亭 政治哲学研究 2022-03-18

首发时间 / 2021年1月22日





【1】本存目收录了历年来关于20世纪著名政治哲学家列奥・施特劳斯(Leo Strauss)的二手研究著作,但不包括施特劳斯本人的作品,也没有收录研究施特劳斯的短篇文章。编写本存目,主要是为了便于个人之后开展相关的研究,同时也供有兴趣的朋友参考。本存目按照出版年份排列,除个别例外,收录的基本是中文学界和英文学界的施特劳斯研究。其中外文作品如有中译本的,均先列出中译本书名,再列出原书书名。在搜集各条目时,主要参考了豆瓣上的一些豆列以及芝加哥大学图书馆的相关资源。




▲ 施特劳斯



  1. Kenneth L. Deutsch and Walter Soffer (Editors), The Crisis of Liberal Democracy: A Straussian Perspective(1987)

  2. 德鲁里《列奥·施特劳斯的政治观念》(2009)(The Political Ideas of Leo Strauss,1988)


  1. Alan Udoff (Editor), Leo Strauss's Thought: Toward a Critical Engagement(1991)

  2. Kenneth Hart Green, Jew and Philosopher: The Return to Maimonides in the Jewish Thought of Leo Strauss(1993)

  3. Kenneth L. Deutsch (Editor), Leo Strauss: Political Philosopher and Jewish Thinker(1994)

  4. Robert Devigne, Recasting Conservatism: Oakeshott, Strauss, and the Response to Postmodernism(1994)

  5. 迈尔《隐匿的对话:施米特与施特劳斯》(2002)

    Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss: The Hidden Dialogue,1995)

  6. Susan Orr, Jerusalem and Athens : Reason and Revelation in the Work of Leo Strauss(1995)


  1. 朗佩特《施特劳斯与尼采》(2005)(Leo Strauss and Nietzsche,1996)

  2. David Novak, Leo Strauss and Judaism(1996)

  3. Ted V. McAllister, Revolt Against Modernity: Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, and the Search for a Postliberal Order(1996)

  4. Peter Graf Kielmansegg, Horst Mewes and Elisabeth Glaser-Schmidt (Editors), Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss: German Émigrés and American Political Thought after World War II(1997)

  5. 麦考米克《施米特对自由主义的批判:反对技术作为政治》(2005)

    Carl Schmitt's Critique of Liberalism,1997)


  6. 德鲁里《列奥·施特劳斯与美国右派》(2006)

    Leo Strauss and the American Right,1997)

  7. Kenneth L. Deutsch, Leo Strauss, The Straussians, and the Study of the American Regime(1999)


  1. 萌萌《启示与理性:从苏格拉底、尼采到施特劳斯》(2001)

  2. 胡全威《史特勞斯》(2001)

  3. Robert C. Bartlett, The Idea of Enlightenment: A Postmortem Study(2001)

  4. 甘阳《政治哲人施特劳斯:古典保守主义政治哲学的复兴》(2002)

  5. 刘小枫 编《驯服欲望:施特劳斯笔下的色诺芬撰述》(2002)

  6. 刘小枫 编《施特劳斯与古典政治哲学》(2002)

  7. 贺照田 编《西方现代性的曲折与展开》(2002)

  8. 刘小枫《刺猬的温顺:讲演及其相关论文集》(2002)

  9. 丹尼尔·唐格维《列奥·施特劳斯:思想传记》(2011)

    Leo Strauss: Une Biographie Intellectuelle,2003。另有英译本,2007版)

  10. 贝纳加《施特劳斯、韦伯与科学的政治研究》(2010)

    Leo Strauss, Max Weber, and the Scientific Study of Politics,2003)

  11. 刘小枫、施特劳斯、古内尔《施特勞斯的政治哲學與宗教》(2003)

  12. David N. Myers, Resisting History: Historicism and Its Discontents in German-Jewish Thought(2003)

  13. Anne Norton, Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire(2004)

  14. Aakash Singh, Eros Turannos: Leo Strauss & Alexandre Kojeve Debate on Tyranny(2005)

  15. John A. Murley (Editor), Leo Strauss and His Legacy(2005)

  16. 陈建洪《耶路撒冷抑或雅典:施特劳斯四论》(2005)

  17. 迈尔《古今之争中的核心问题》(2005)



  1. 斯密什《阅读施特劳斯:政治学、哲学、犹太教》(2012)

    Reading Leo Strauss,2006)

  2. Leora Batnitzky, Leo Strauss and Emmanuel Levinas: Philosophy and the Politics of Revelation(2006)

  3. Thomas L. Pangle, Leo Strauss: An Introduction to His Thought and Intellectual Legacy(2006)

  4. Heinrich Meier, Leo Strauss and the Theologico-Political Problem: Modern European Philosophy(2006)

  5. 凯瑟琳·扎科特、迈克尔·扎科特《施特劳斯的真相:政治哲学与美国民主》(2013)

    The Truth about Leo Strauss: Political Philosophy and American Democracy,2006)

  6. Kim A. Sorensen, Discourses on Strauss: Revelation and Reason in Leo Strauss and His Critical Study of Machiavelli(2006)

  7. 谢帕德《施特劳斯与流亡政治学:一个政治哲人的锻成》(2013)

    Leo Strauss and the Politics of Exile,2006)

  8. Jonathan Cohen, Philosophers and Scholars: Wolfson, Guttmann and Strauss on the History of Jewish Philosophy(2007)

  9. Nicolas Xenos, Cloaked in Virtue: Unveiling Leo Strauss and the Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy (2008)

  10. Samuel Fleischacker (Editor), Heidegger's Jewish Followers: Essays on Hannah Arendt, Leo Strauss, Hans Jonas, and Emmanuel Levinas (2008)

  11. Jianhong Chen(陈建洪), Between Politics and Philosophy: A Study of Leo Strauss in Dialogue with Carl Schmitt (2008)

  12. David Janssens, Between Athens and Jerusalem : Philosophy, Prophecy, and Politics in Leo Strauss's Early Thought (2008)

  13. Benjamin Lazier, God Interrupted: Heresy and the European Imagination between the World Wars(2008)

  14. John Ranieri, Disturbing Revelation: Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, and the Bible(2009)

  15. Peter Minowitz, Straussophobia: Defending Leo Strauss and Straussians against Shadia Drury and Other Accusers(2009)

  16. Jeffrey Scott Neuzil, Leo Strauss and His Xenophontic Politics(2009)

  17. Steven Smith (Editor), The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss(2009)

  18. 刘小枫 编《施特劳斯与古今之争》(2010)

  19. 刘小枫 编《施特劳斯与现代性危机》(2010)

  20. Arkadiusz Gornisiewicz and Pawel Armada (Editors), Modernity and What Has Been Lost: Considerations on the Legacy of Leo Strauss (2010)

  21. Tony Burns and James Connelly (Editors), The Legacy of Leo Strauss(2010)

  22. 徐戬 编《古今之争与文明自觉:中国语境中的施特劳斯》(2010)




  1. 刘小枫《施特劳斯的路标》(2011)

  2. J. G. York and Michael A. Peters (Editors), Leo Strauss, Education, and Political Thought(2011)

  3. Paul E. Gottfried, Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America(2011)

  4. 理查德·维克利《论源初遗忘:海德格尔、施特劳斯与哲学的前提》(2016)

    Heidegger, Strauss, and the Premises of Philosophy,2011)

  5. Sharon Jo Portnoff, Reason and Revelation before Historicism:  Strauss and Fackenheim(2011)

  6. William H.F. Altman, The German Stranger: Leo Strauss and National Socialism(2012)

  7. Sean Noah Walsh, Perversion and the Art of Persecution: Esotericism and Fear in the Political Philosophy of Leo Strauss(2012)

  8. Harry V. Jaffa, Crisis of the Strauss Divided: Essays on Leo Strauss and Straussianism, East and West(2012)

  9. 卡罗勒•维德马耶尔《政治哲学终结了吗:汉娜•阿伦特 VS 列奥•施特劳斯》(2016)

    Fin de la philosophie politique?,2012)

  10. 詹姆斯·罗德之《柏拉图的政治理论:以及施特劳斯与沃格林的阐释》(2012)


  11. 刘玮《马基雅维利与现代性:施特劳斯、政治现实主义与基督教》(2012) 

  12. Rafael Major (Editor), Leo Strauss's Defense of the Philosophic Life: Reading "What Is Political Philosophy?"(2013)

  13. Kenneth Hart Green, Leo Strauss and the Rediscovery of Maimonides(2013)

  14. 刘小枫《设计共和:施特劳斯<论卢梭的意图>绎读》(2013)

  15. 朗佩特《施特劳斯的持久重要性》(2019)

    The Enduring Importance of Leo Strauss,2013)

  16. Sara MacDonald and Barry Craig, Recovering Hegel from the Critique of Leo Strauss: The Virtues of Modernity(2013)

  17. Aryeh Tepper, Progressive Minds, Conservative Politics: Leo Strauss's Later Writings on Maimonides(2013)

  18. Grant N. Havers, Leo Strauss and Anglo-American Democracy: A Conservative Critique (2013)

  19. Aggie Hirst, Leo Strauss and the Invasion of Iraq: Encountering the Abyss (2013)

  20. Martin D. Yaffe and Richard S. Ruderman (Editors), Reorientation: Leo Strauss in the 1930s(2014)

  21. 中国比较古典学学会 编,《施特劳斯与古典研究》(2014)

  22. Michael P. Zuckert and Catherine H. Zuckert, Leo Strauss and the Problem of Political Philosophy(2014)

  23. 亚瑟·梅尔泽《字里行间的哲学:被遗忘的隐微写作史》(2018)

    Philosophy Between the Lines,2014)

  24. 王升平《自然正当、虚无主义与古典复归:"古今之争"视域中的施特劳斯政治哲学思想研究》 (2014)

  25. 迈尔《政治哲学与启示宗教的挑战》(2014)

    Politische Philosophie und die Herausforderung der Offenbarungsreligion,2013。另有英译本,2017版。)

  26. 张敏《现代性危机的政治哲学救赎:列奥·施特劳斯的政治哲学研究》(2014)

  27. Tucker Landy, After Leo Strauss : New Directions in Platonic Political Philosophy(2014)

  28. Corine Pelluchon, Leo Strauss and the Crisis of Rationalism : Another Reason, Another Enlightenment(2014)


  29. Robert Howse, Leo Strauss: Man of Peace(2014)

  30. 钱永祥《动情的理性:政治哲学作为道德实践》(2014)


  31. 蒋小杰《施特劳斯的现代性批判理论研究》(2014)

  32. 陈建洪《论施特劳斯》(2015)

  33. 刘小枫《比较古典学发凡》(2015)

  34. Jeffrey Alan Bernstein, Leo Strauss on the Borders of Judaism, Philosophy, and History(2015)

  35. Liisi Keedus, The Crisis of German Historicism: The Early Political Thought of Hannah Arendt and Leo Strauss (2015)

  36. Winfried Schröder (Editor), Reading Between the Lines: Leo Strauss and the History of Early Modern Philosophy(2015)

  37. Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft, Thinking in Public: Strauss, Levinas, Arendt(2015)

  38. Timothy W. Burns (Editor), Brill's Companion to Leo Strauss' Writings on Classical Political Thought(2015)


  1. Antonio Lastra and Josep Monserrat-Molas (Editors), Leo Strauss, Philosopher : European Vistas(2016)

  2. Joshua Parens, Leo Strauss and the Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy(2016)

  3. 杨子飞《反启蒙运动的启蒙:列奥·施特劳斯政治-哲学研究》(2016)

  4. Timothy W. Burns and Bryan-Paul Frost (Editors), Philosophy, History, and Tyranny: Reexamining the Debate Between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojeve (2016)

  5. Christopher Lynch and Jonathan Marks (Editors), Principle and Prudence in Western Political Thought(2016)

  6. Svetozar Y. Minkov, Leo Strauss on Science: Thoughts on the Relation Between Natural Science and Political Philosophy (2016)

  7. 马克·里拉《搁浅的心灵》(2019)

    The Shipwrecked Mind: On Political Reaction, 2016)


  8. Kai Marchal and Carl K. Y. Shaw (Editors), Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss in the Chinese-Speaking World: Reorienting the Political (2017)

    (Kai Marchal即马恺之,Carl K. Y. Shaw即萧高彦。)

  9. 刘小枫《以美为鉴:注意美国立国原则的是非未定之争》(2017)

  10. John McCormick, Reading Machiavelli: Scandalous Books, Suspect Engagements, and the Virtue of Populist Politics(2018)


  11. 徐航《上升阶梯:列奥·施特劳斯关于自然法论的思索》(2018)

  12. J. A. Colen and Svetozar Minkov (Editors), Toward “Natural Right and History”: Lectures and Essays by Leo Strauss, 1937-1946(2018)


  13. Geoffrey M. Vaughan (Editors), Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers (2018)

  14. 刘晓洲《现代政治的批判与阐释》(2019)

  15. 林国华《灵知沉沦的编年史》(2019)


  16. Adi Armon, Leo Strauss between Weimar and America(2019)


  17. John Marini, Unmasking the Administrative State : The Crisis of American Politics in the Twenty-First Century(2019)

  18. David McIlwain, Michael Oakeshott and Leo Strauss: The Politics of Renaissance and Enlightenment (2019)

  19. 马华灵《反自由的自由:伯林与施特劳斯的思想纷争》(2019)


  20. Ephraim Chamiel, Between religion and reason (Part 1)(2020)



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