
海外新书速递 | 《卢梭与洛克:批判性对话》

利物浦大学出版社 政治哲学研究 2022-09-01

Rousseau et Locke: Dialogues critiques

[1] 书籍信息

Céline Spector / Johanna Lenne-Cornuez, Rousseau et Locke: Dialogues critiques, Voltaire Foundation & Liverpool University Press, July 2022.

[2] 作者简介

Céline SPECTOR is Professor at the Philosophy Department of Sorbonne University. Her research includes work in modern and contemporary political theory, especially the French Enlightenment, Montesquieu, Rousseau and their legacy. She is currently working on social justice and democracy in the EU. 

Johanna LENNE-CORNUEZ is an associate researcher at SND (Sorbonne University/CNRS). She recently published Être à sa place. La formation morale du sujet dans la philosophie de Rousseau (Classiques Garnier). Her research work focuses on the French Enlightenment and its legacy, human rights and social justice.

[3] 内容简介

Transcending an often outraged opposition between the two authors, this volume reassesses the legacy of Locke's thought in that of Rousseau, in all the areas of his philosophy (personal identity, epistemology, medicine, morality, pedagogy, economics, politics). Beyond an intellectual history, this collected volume highlights the fruitful critical dialogue that Rousseau maintains with Locke, while identifying the ways in which the Citizen of Geneva distorted his predecessor’s thought. While establishing the author of Emile’s debt to the ‘sage Locke’, the volume also discerns the relevance of Rousseau’s objections to Lockian philosophy. In what sense did Rousseau establish his own philosophy on ‘common principles’ to those of Locke? How does he subvert the Essay Concerning Human Understanding or the Thoughts Concerning Education? What are the blind spots in Locke’s philosophy that Rousseau highlights and, conversely, the limits of Rousseau’s criticism of Locke? These are the main aspects of this volume, which brings together scholars in philosophy and literature, on Rousseau and Locke.

[4] 书籍目录


Table des matières

Liste des ouvrages de référence et des abréviations


Introduction générale (Johanna Lenne-Cornuez et Céline Spector)

I Le soi: théorie et pratique

Mémoire autobiographique et identité personnelle (Stéphane Chauvier)

‘The chief, if not only spur to human industry and action’: Rousseau et l’uneasiness de Locke (Christophe Litwin)

II L’empirisme en question

De la famille naturelle à la famille sociale: l’usage d’arguments naturalistes chez Locke et Rousseau (Anne Morvan)

La défiance à l’égard de la médecine: enjeux philosophiques de Locke à Rousseau (Claire Crignon)

Locke et la métaphysique du vicaire savoyard (Philippe Hamou)

A l’épreuve des notions morales: l’approfondissement de l’empirisme (Louis Guerpillon)

III Réflexions critiques sur l’éducation

De Locke à Rousseau: une révolution pédagogique? (Christophe Martin)

Signification et utilité des sanctions chez Locke et Rousseau (Gabrielle Radica)

IV Les institutions politiques

L’inaliénabilité de la liberté (Céline Spector)

Pouvoir instituant et résistance (Jean Terrel)

Du consentement à la représentation politique: Rousseau critique de Locke? (Ludmilla Lorrain)

Emile, citoyen lockien (Johanna Lenne-Cornuez)

Références et compléments bibliographiques






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