海外新书速递 | 《霍布斯与政治契约论》
Hobbes and Political Contractarianism
[1] 书籍信息
David Gauthier, Hobbes and Political Contractarianism, Oxford University Press, May 2022.
[2] 作者简介
David Gauthier is Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh. He previously held postions at the University of Toronto, and has held visiting appointments at UCLA, UC Berkeley, Princeton, UC Irvine, and the University of East Anglia. He is the author of Practical Reasoning: The Structure and Foundations of Prudential and Moral Arguments and their Exemplification in Discourse (OUP, 1963), The Logic of Leviathan: The Moral and Political Theory of Thomas Hobbes (OUP 1969), Morals by Agreement (OUP, 1986), Moral Dealing: Contract, Ethics, and Reason (Cornell, 1990), and Rousseau: The Sentiment of Existence (Cambridge, 2006).
[3] 内容简介
This volume presents a selection of David Gauthier's writings on Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and the theory of political contractarianism. The eight essays on Hobbes, written over four decades, represent the author's changing understanding of the moral and political theories since the publication of The Logic of Leviathan (OUP, 1969). These include essays on Hobbes on law, challenging influential readings of his legal philosophy, and a previously unpublished piece, 'The True and Only Moral Philosophy', providing a close reading of chapters 13-15 of Leviathan. The four essays on social contract theory include an extended version of 'Political Contractarianism' (1997), Gauthier's well-known 'Public Reason' (1994), and a paper previously available only in French and Spanish translations
[4] 书籍目录
Part I. Hobbes
1. Hobbes's Social Contract (1990, longer version)
2. Taming Leviathan (1987)
3. Hobbes on Demonstration and Construction (1997)
4. Thomas Hobbes and the Contractarian Theory of Law (1990)
5. Hobbes: The Laws of Nature (2001)
6. Hobbes on Sovereign Authority: How the Right of Nature Becomes Sovereign Right (2018)
7. The True and Only Moral Philosophy: A Close Reading of Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Chapters 13 15 (unpublished)
8. Authors and Actors (unpublished)
Appendix: De Cive v. Leviathan
Part II. The Social Contract
9. Political Contractarianism (1997, longer version)
10. Public Reason (1994)
11. The Best of Times (Universality, Individuality, and Democracy) (1999)
12. A Society of Individuals (2016)
Additional Writings on Related Topics