


20世纪著名政治理论家汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)流亡来到美国后,曾任教于多所高校,包括纽约社会科学新学院、芝加哥大学、圣母大学、西北大学、加州大学伯克利分校、普林斯顿大学等。在任教过程中,阿伦特留下了许多课程大纲。这些大纲中,往往附有详细的书单,即便到了数十年后的今天,也仍然值得参考。

1955年春季学期,阿伦特于加州大学担任访问学者时,开设了一门名为“政治理论史”(History of Political Theory)的课程。该课程教学大纲如下(誊清版见本篇推送末尾):


除了原典外,阿伦特还为每位政治思想家的文本挑选了少量二手文献伴读。其中大多数直到今天,也仍然是相当重要的政治思想史研究二手文献,例如迈内克、施特劳斯、卡西尔、海德格尔、洛维特等人的作品。不过,另外一些阿伦特推荐的二手文献,则已经基本被当代学者们遗忘了,例如Albert Sorel的《孟德斯鸠》一书等。



Political Science 1158 - History of Political Theory

Hannah Arendt

Textbook: G. H. Sabine, A History of Political Theory, 1950.

Students are urged to purchase the starred (*) items in the bibliography.

*1. Machiavelli, The Prince and the Discourses (Modern Library)

F. M. Watkins, The State as Concept of Political Science (in: Studies in Political Science and Comparative Government, 1934) chapter 1.

Leonardo Olschki, Machiavelli the Scientist. (Berkeley 1945)

F. Meinecke, Die Idee der Staatsräson, chapter 1 & 2. 

*2. Hobbes, Leviathan, (ed. Oakeshott, Blackwell's)

Leo Strauss, Hobbes' Political Philosophy, 1936.

Raymond Polin, Politique et Philosophie chez Thomas Hobbes (Paris, 1953). 

3. Spinoza, Writings on Political Philosophy (ed. Balz, Appleton-Century, Philosophy Source Books, 1937, or in Dover Publications ed. 1951, tr. ...); Political Treatise (entire); Theological-Political Treatise, Preface & chapters 15, 16, 19, 20.

Introduction by John Wild to Spinoza Selections (Modern Students Library, Scribner 1930)

Leo Strauss, Die Religionskritik Spinozan, 1930, chapters C and E.

A. Wolfson, Spinoza, a life of Reason (Modern Classics) 1932.

*4. Locke, Two Treatises of Civil Government (Everyman's Library), Second Treatise.

J. W. Gough, Locke's Political Philosophy, 1950. 

5. Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws, ed. Hafner, Library of Classics, Introduction by Franz Neumann, 1949. 

Albert Sorel, Montesquieu, Chicago, 1892. 

A. J. Grant, "Montesquieu" in Hearnohaw, Social and Political Ideas of Some Great French Thinkers of the Age of Reason

*6. Rousseau, The Social Contract and Discourses (Everyman's Library) 

Ernst Cassirer, The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Columbia University Press, 1954. 

E. H. Wright, The Meaning of Rousseau, 1929, chapters 1 & 3. 

Ch. W. Hendel, Jean Jacques Rousseau Moralist, Vol. II, chapters 19 & 20. 

*7. Kant, Moral and Political Writings (Modern Library): V, VI, VII, XI, XII. 

Carl J. Friedrich, Inevitable Peace, Harvard University Press, 1948. 

*8. Tocqueville, Democracy in America (Paper Edition: Vintage Books)

James Bryce, Studies in History and Jurisprudence, 1901, ch. 6. 

J. Peter Mayer, Prophet of the Mass-Age, London 1939. 

*9. Hegel, The Philosophy of Hegel (Modern Library): The Philosophy of History & Philosophy of Right and Law.

M. B. Foster, Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel, Oxford 1935.

K. Löwith, Von Hegel zu Nietzsche, chapters 1 & 5 of Part I.

Sidney Hook, From Hegel to Marx, 1950.

Martin Heidegger, "Hegels Begriff der Erfahrung" in Holzwege, 1950. 

*10. Karl Marx, Capital (Modern Library, Giants) or Marx and Engels, Selected Works in Two Volumes, 1950: Vol. I: Wage Labour and Capital, Vol. II (entire).

Isaiah Berlin, Karl Marx. (The Home University Library. Oxford Press, 1948).

Herbert Marcuse, Reason and Revolution, Part II. 

K. Löwith, Von Hegel zu Nietzsche, Part II, chapters 1 & 2.

Simone Weil, La condition ouvrière. (Paris, Gallimard, 1951)

