
海外新书速递 | 《普芬多夫剑桥指南》

CUP 政治哲学研究 2022-12-01

The Cambridge Companion to Pufendorf

[1] 书籍信息

Knud Haakonssen & Ian Hunter (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Pufendorf, Cambridge University Press, Nov 2022.

[2] 编者简介

Knud Haakonssen has studied the diaspora of modern natural law, its adaptation as moral philosophy and its academic institutionalization in various European contexts. His publications include Natural Law and Moral Philosophy (1996), 'German natural law', in The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought (2006), and 'Holberg's Law of Nature and Nations', in Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754) (co-ed., 2017). He is also editor of Thomas Reid on Practical Ethics (2007), A System of Moral Philosophy by Francis Hutcheson (forthcoming), and a new edition of the eighteenth-century translation of Pufendorf's The Law of Nature and Nations (forthcoming).

Ian Hunter is well known as an exponent and defender of contextualist intellectual history. He has intervened decisively in debates over the history of natural law (Rival Enlightenments, 2001), secularization ('Secularization: The birth of a modern combat concept', Modern Intellectual History, 12, 1, 2015), historiography ('The contest over context in intellectual history', History and Theory, 2019) and the role of 'theory' in the modern humanities ('The history of theory', Critical Inquiry, 33, 1, 2006).

[3] 内容简介

In the same intellectual league as Grotius, Hobbes and Locke, but today less well known, Samuel Pufendorf was an early modern master of political, juridical, historical and theological thought. Trained in an erudite humanism, he brought his copious command of ancient and modern literature to bear on precisely honed arguments designed to engage directly with contemporary political and religious problems. Through his fundamental reconstruction of the discipline of natural law, Pufendorf offered a new rationale for the sovereign territorial state, providing it with non-religious foundations in order to fit it for governance of multi-religious societies and to protect his own Protestant faith. He also drew on his humanist learning to write important political histories, a significant lay theology, and vivid polemics against his many opponents. This volume makes the full scope of his thought and writing accessible to English readers for the first time.

[4] 书籍目录





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