
海外新书速递 | 《修昔底德剑桥指南》

CUP 政治哲学研究 2023-10-08

The Cambridge Companion to Thucydides

[1] 书籍信息

Polly Low (Editor),  The Cambridge Companion to Thucydides, Cambridge University Press, Jan 2023.

[2] 作者简介

Polly Low is a Professor in the Department of Classics and Ancient History at Durham University. Her publications include Interstate Relations in Classical Greece (Cambridge, 2007) and (as editor) The Athenian Empire (2008).

[3] 内容简介

Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War is one of the earliest and most influential works in the western historiographical tradition. It provides an unfinished account of the war between Athens and her allies and Sparta and her allies which lasted from 431 to 404 BC, and is a masterpiece of narrative art and of political analysis. The twenty chapters in this Companion offer a wide range of perspectives on different aspects of the text, its interpretation and its significance. The nature of the text is explored in detail, and problems of Thucydides' historical and literary methodology are examined. Other chapters analyse the ways in which Thucydides' work illuminates, or complicates, our understanding of key historical questions for this period, above all those relating to the nature and conduct of war, politics, and empire. Finally, the book also explores the continuing legacy of Thucydides, from antiquity to the present day.

[4] 书籍目录





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