海外新书预告 | 《柏拉图的道德现实主义》
Plato's Moral Realism
[1] 书籍信息
Lloyd P. Gerson, Plato's Moral Realism, Cambridge University Press, May 2023.
[2] 作者简介
LLOYD P. GERSON is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. He is the author and co-author of twenty-five books on ancient philosophy, including monographs, edited volumes, and translations, and has published around two-hundred and fifty articles and reviews.
[3] 内容简介
Plato's moral realism rests on the Idea of the Good, the unhypothetical first principle of all. It is this, as Plato says, that makes just things useful and beneficial. That Plato makes the first principle of all the Idea of the Good sets his approach apart from that of virtually every other philosopher. This fact has been occluded by later Christian Platonists who tried to identify the Good with the God of scripture. But for Plato, theology, though important, is subordinate to metaphysics. For this reason, ethics is independent of theology and attached to metaphysics. This book challenges many contemporary accounts of Plato's ethics that start with the so-called Socratic paradoxes and attempt to construct a psychology of action or moral psychology that makes these paradoxes defensible. Rather, Lloyd Gerson argues that Plato at least never thought that moral realism was defensible outside of a metaphysical framework.
Argues for a new understanding of Plato's moral theory founded on his metaphysics rather than theology
Illuminates the ancient tradition of Platonism, thereby setting Plato within his historical context
Enables Plato's ideas to participate in contemporary debates about ethics
[4] 书籍目录
1. Introduction: Platonism and moral realism
2. The idea of the good
3. Virtue, knowledge and the good
4. Socratic vs. platonic ethics
5. Moral responsibility
6. Philebus and Statesman
7. Morality, religion, and politics
8. Concluding remarks.
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