
海外新书速递 | 《剑桥指南:普鲁塔克》

CUP 政治哲学研究 2023-10-08

The Cambridge Companion to Plutarch

[1] 书籍信息

Frances B. Titchener and Alexei V. Zadorojnyi (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Plutarch, Cambridge University Press, June 2023.

[2] 作者简介

Frances B. Titchener is Distinguished Professor of History and Classics at Utah State University. Involved with the International Plutarch Society since 1987, she is co-editor of Ploutarchos, the journal of the IPS. She is also a co-editor of Fame and Infamy (2015) and of Plutarch's Cities (2022).

Alexei Zadorojnyi is Senior Lecturer in Greek Language and Culture at the University of Liverpool. He has published numerous articles and chapters on Plutarch as well as other Greek and Roman authors of the imperial period.

[3] 内容简介

Plutarch is one of the most prolific and important writers from antiquity. His Parallel Lives continue to be an invaluable historical source, and the numerous essays in his Moralia, covering everything from marriage to the Delphic Oracle, are crucial evidence for ancient philosophy and cultural history. This volume provides an engaging introduction to all aspects of his work, including his method and purpose in writing the Lives, his attitudes toward daily life and intimate relations, his thoughts on citizenship and government, his relationship to Plato and the second Sophistic, and his conception of foreign or 'other'. Attention is also paid to his style and rhetoric. Plutarch's works have also been important in subsequent periods, and an introduction to their reception history in Byzantium, Italy, England, Spain, and France is provided. A distinguished team of contributors together helps the reader begin to navigate this most varied and fascinating of writers.

[4] 书籍目录


Chapter 1 - Plutarch and Biography

Chapter 2 - Romanness and Greekness in Plutarch

Chapter 3 - Plutarch As Moral and Political Educator

Chapter 4 - In the Spirit of Plato

Chapter 5 - Plutarch As a Polemicist

Chapter 6 - Religion and Myth in Plutarch

Chapter 7 - Plutarch at the Symposium

Chapter 8 - Language, Style, and Rhetoric

Chapter 9 - Plutarch and Classical Greece

Chapter 10 - Great Men

Chapter 11 - Thinking “Private Life”

Chapter 12 - Wealth and Decadence in Plutarch’s Lives

Chapter 13 - Plutarch and the Barbarian “Other”

Chapter 14 - Plutarch and Animals

Chapter 15 - Plutarch in Byzantium

Chapter 16 - Plutarch in the Italian Renaissance

Chapter 17 - Plutarch and the Spanish Renaissance

Chapter 18 - Plutarch and Shakespeare

Chapter 19 - Plutarch in France


Appendix: Plutarch’s Moralia

Index Locorum





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