


2018年5月初,“乔嫂”阿迈勒·克鲁尼(amal clooney)受邀出席美国范德堡大学的毕业礼,全程用温柔的伦敦英音鼓励毕业生们:Be Courageous! 

对她有所了解的人知道,Amal不仅气质出众,更是毕业于牛津大学和美国纽约大学法学院的美女学霸,后在英国著名律师事务所Doughty Street Chambers担任律师。她的知名委托人包括:维基解密创办人阿桑奇,以及前乌克兰美女总理季莫申科。 




Be Courageous

"Courage, as they say, is contagious," she started. "People who have had the courage to change their societies—in India, in South Africa, in the United States—inspire each other and create rights for future generations. "


"But when I look at the world today, I see that courage is needed more than ever. At a time when women all over the world face physical abuse, restrictions on their ability to work, own property, travel and even have custody over their children, we need courage. At a time when the LGBT community and every continent struggles for equal rights, freedom from imprisonment and even death, we need courage."


"At a time when more journalists are in prison around the world than at any time in the last three decades—and even here at home, [where] the media is under attack from the White House—we need courage. And at a time when our politicians try to conflate the terms ‘refugee’ and ‘terrorist’ and make us fear one another, we need courage."


" We need young people with the courage to say this is our world now and there are going to be some changes."


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