
非常经典!但是很少有人听过的一首歌《Alone Yet Not Alone》

今天大家推荐的歌曲是Joni Eareckson Tada的《Alone Yet Not Alone》孤单但不孤独 ,好听且宽慰人心,非常值得一听,错过会是遗憾。


歌 曲:《Alone Yet Not Alone》

歌 手:Joni Eareckson Tada 

《Alone Yet Not Alone》


I'm alone yet not alone

God's the light that will guide me home

With his love and tenderness

Leading through the wilderness

And wherever I may roam

I'm alone yet not alone

I will not be bent in fear

He's the refuge I know is near

In his strength I find my own

By his faithful mercies shown

That so mighty is his shield

All his love is now revealed

When my steps are lost

And desperate for a guide

I can feel his touch

A soothing presence by my side

Alone yet not alone

Not forsaken when on my own

I can lean upon his arm

And be lifted up from harm

If I stumble or if I'm thrown

I'm alone yet not alone

When my steps are lost

And desperate for a guide

I can feel his touch

A soothing presence by my side

By my side

He has bound me with his love

Watchful angels look from above

Every evil can be braved

For I know I will be saved

Never frightened on my own

I'm alone yet not alone

I'm alone yet not alone







▼往期精彩回顾▼推荐一首英文情歌《You Took My Heart Away》,感人!
超级好听的抖音热歌《How To Love》,可以循环一整天!
一首超级好听的英文励志歌曲《No matter what》,感动!
催眠曲《Summer Wine》,乡村音乐加上慢摇,好听的不得了!
英文歌推荐:阿黛尔经典现场演唱《Set Fire to the Rain》,气场强大!

