
AIAG VDA FMEA Update (转发)

2017-10-05 林怀军 / Jerry 智慧汽车供应链


Update1:  Project Objective:

New FMEA manual is being aligned with current AIAG, VDA, SAE and ISO26262 stds.

Here is more details of this project objective.

Update2: FMEA Process Approach

There are some updates base on initial approach which Jerry posted it in this group before. such as symbol, definitions and work contents.

Here are some more details for each step

Update3: FMEA worksheet / spreadsheet

The structure of  new FMEA worksheet has been improved according to 6-step process. and RMR method has been upgraded to AP (action priorities). AP method is more easy and clear for next actions and implementation

Update4: Release date

I know most people want to know when new version will be released. please confirm it with AIAG. AIAG is project sponsor. here are some references.


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