
忒修斯之船 The Ship of Theseus

2016-09-19 科幻基地




哲学家Thomas Hobbes后来对此进来了延伸,如果用特修斯之船上取下来的老部件来重新建造一艘新的船,那么两艘船中哪艘才是真正的特修斯之船?

One of the oldest of all thought experiments is the paradox known as the Ship of Theseus, which originated in the writings of Plutarch. It describes a ship that remained seaworthy for hundreds of years thanks to constant repairs and replacement parts. As soon as one plank became old and rotted, it would be replaced, and so on until every working part of the ship was no longer original to it. The question is whether this end product is still the same Ship of Theseus, or something completely new and different. If it’s not, at what point did it stop being the same ship? The Philosopher Thomas Hobbes would later take the problem even further: if one were to take all the old parts removed from the Ship of Theseus and build a new ship from them, then which of the two vessels is the real Ship of Theseus?


