How to Avoid Germs at the Swimming Pool
It’s official, folks, there’s a heat wave coming. And we’re not just talking about catchy Motown beats that make us question if this is the way life’s supposed to be – we mean real gritty heat that is predicted to reach 37°C tomorrow.
If you want a sure-fire way to cool down, hit your local swimming pool and see if that will make you feel human again. To ensure you get only good vibes and refreshing coolness from the water instead of germs and bacteria, we’ve laid out some simple steps you can take to avoid common swimming pool afflictions.
1. Shower before and after swimming
In order to keep the pool as clean as possible, remove as much bacteria as you can from yourself with a good shower before getting in. Shed any germs you may have picked up in the pool by showering as soon as possible after you’re done swimming.
2. Don’t swallow the water
We know it can be hard to keep from laughing at your own jokes, but do try to avoid keeping your mouth wide open in the pool. Pool water contains not only bacteria, but also plenty of bacteria-killing chemicals that are best left outside your mouth.
3. Don’t swim if you’ve recently had gastroenteritis or diarrhea
These stomach bugs are very easily spread, and you can pass on your recent bout to others, even if you shower as thoroughly as you think possible. Spare your fellow citizens the pain and wait two weeks after recovering before you hit the pool.
4. Wear swimming goggles
Eye infections are relatively easy to pick up at swimming pools. To keep any bacteria as far as possible from your eyes, wear swimming goggles in the water and make sure your face is dry before taking them off.
- Keep Reading -
Swimming with little ones? Make sure to read our guide to keeping kids safe on summer days and our tips for avoiding heat stroke.
Stay sun safe at the pool by reading our guide to protecting your skin from sun damage.