
Learn How to Sneeze Like a Boss

Anitra Williams BeijingUnitedFamilyHospital 2020-02-28

If you've spent enough time in the UK, you'll have seen posters in public places dictating that "Coughs and sneezes spread diseases". The slogan is both catchy and true. If you learn correct coughing and sneezing etiquette, you can be a good samaritan and prevent your cold or flu from spreading to others. 

If you're not from the UK or another country that teaches proper sneezing technique, it's possible you sneeze into your hands or, worse, without covering your mouth at all. If you are sick, sneezing or coughing without covering your mouth will give your germs the opportunity to spread far and wide, conquering the immune systems of others around you. If you sneeze into your hands, you'll likely then touch other things that your fellow citizens will touch, like the tap as you wash your hands, elevator buttons, or door handles.

This is why coughing or sneezing into your hands is inadvisable. If you feel like you've got a cough or sneeze coming on and there are no tissues handy, aim your face into your upper arm or the crook of your arm before you fire. This way, any germs you emit won't go far, staying instead on a part of you that doesn't often get touched.  

The best way to cough or sneeze, however, is to use a tissue to cover your mouth. When you're done, throw that tissue into the garbage where it won't do any harm to anyone.

If you have a cold or flu, it's best to stay home and rest so you can recover faster and prevent the spread of your germs. If you have a fever of over 38°C or are experiencing chills, shaking, loss of appetite, or trouble breathing, come to the hospital to see your doctor. You should also come in if you have a fever and lung disease, are not acting yourself, have chest pain when you cough, are coughing up blood, have a cough that has lasted more than 10 days, have trouble breathing, or have an ear or eye infection. Children under the age of three months should come to the doctor if they are sick, and children who have trouble breathing or become disoriented or have trouble speaking while sick should go to the ER. To make an appointment to see your Family Medicine doctor when you are sick, call the Beijing United Family Hospital (BJU) Service Center at 4008-919191.Research for this article comes from physicians at the University of Virginia School of Medicine and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • Are you okay with not getting the flu this year? Get the flu shot to stay protected.

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  • Is your kid already suffering from a cold or flu? Check out our Child Sick Visit Package that gets you a big discount on four visits to the pediatrician.

