
第四届电影教育国际论坛演讲嘉宾|X Media Lab的创始人布兰登·哈金(Brendan Harkin,中文名:何博炎)

2017-11-23 cfer 中国电影教育研究中心




布兰登·哈金(Brendan Harkin,中文名:何博炎)是X Media Lab的创始人兼董事,该实验室已于过去14年间在包括澳大利亚、新西兰、中国、印度、美国和英国等14个国家的22座城市举行了国际数字媒体智库论坛,足迹遍及欧亚等地。此前,布兰登创办了“亚太多媒体艺术节”(Interact Asia Pacific Multimedia Festival);曾出任首位澳洲国家信息经济部长官,并由于在该职位的出色贡献获得澳大利亚政府授予的“澳大利亚日”金质奖章;创建了全国性的“网上澳大利亚之年”(Online Australia Year)项目,开发7大社区门户网站(包括澳大利亚第一个多语种、跨文化门户网站),筹划了140余项公共事务,在其官方网站投入运行的前10个月即获得超过1000万的用户浏览量。


布兰登担任的职务还有:“互动娱乐峰会”(Interactive Entertainment Summit)董事会成员(悉尼);“数字互动娱乐艺术媒体”(Digital Interactive Media Entertainment & Arts)咨询委员会成员(曼谷);亚洲游戏开发峰会执行委员会(the Asia Games Developers Summit)成员(新加坡);互动艾美奖国际评审团(International Jury of the Interactive Emmy Awards)评委(戛纳);布兰登被北京市政府任命为“数字媒体产业发展”项目外国专家顾问,并由于对中国文化创意产业做出国际贡献而获得享有盛誉的歌华基金奖。他还是北京语言大学的客座教授,并于目前在新南威尔士大学艺术与设计学院(超过3000名学生)及美国强尼·卡森新媒体艺术中心(Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts)等处担任咨询委员会委员。




Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Brendan Harkin is the Founder and Director of X Media Lab, the international digital media think-tank that has been held in 22 cities and 14 countries over the past 14 years, including Australia & NZ, and throughout Asia, China, India, the USA, Europe, and the UK.
Previously, Brendan created the "Interact Asia Pacific Multimedia Festival"; he was Australia's first General Manager for Information Economy Public Awareness at the National Office for the Information Economy, The Australian Government awarded him an Australia Day Gold Medal for his efforts in this role.He created the nation-wide "Online Australia Year" program building 7 major community portals (inc. Australia's first multi-lingual, multi-cultural portal), staging more than 140 events, with the flagship website receiving over 10 million page impressions in its first 10 months of operation. 
Prior to X Media Lab, Brendan was a Doctoral candidate in Philosophy at the University of Melbourne on an Australian Post-Graduate Scholarship Award.
Brendan has been appointed to the Board of the “Interactive Entertainment Summit” (Sydney); the Advisory Board of the “Digital Interactive Media Entertainment & Arts” conference (Bangkok); the Executive Board of the Asia Games Developers Summit (Singapore); the International Jury of the Interactive Emmy Awards (Cannes); he has been appointed as a "Foreign Expert Advisor" on digital media industry development by the Beijing Municipal Government, and was awarded the highly prestigious Gehua Foundation award for "International Contribution to the Creative Industries in China". He has also been a Visiting Professor at the Beijing Language and Culture University, and is currently on the Advisory Council at UNSW Art & Design (>3,000 students), and the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts in the US.
Most recently, he gave the closing keynote address at the European Union "Open Innovation 2.0" conference. 
The X Media Lab newsletter goes to over 30,000 subscribers.


