
【RMCA | 一件作品】Touching My Father 抚摸父亲

This artwork is displayed in exhibition

OutLook ] in Redtory Museum of 

Contemporary Art (RMCA) 



 Venue 所在展馆:RMCA E7/E9馆 


Touching My Father 1997

第一次抚摸父亲 1997

Touching My Father 2002

第二次抚摸父亲 2002

Touching My Father 2002 / 2011

第三次抚摸父亲 2002 / 2011

Song Dong | Touching My Father

Performance by Video | 1997-2011

宋冬 抚摸父亲

用录像实施的行为三部曲 | 1997-2011

Recording performance art is always more important than the art. Being aware of the significance of the media, Song Dong is taking it as a part of the work. In Touching My Father 1997, he recorded a hand in advance and then he projected the hand on his father by a projecter, through which, he touched his father by the virtual hand. The records of performance art is not only a record, but also a performance art. Reality and virtuality talk inside the artwork. The utlization of real image and virtual image becomes a distinctive style in his work. 

"Touching My Father 1997 While I was touching him with my video projected hand, he was smoking. Unexpectedly, with his eyes on my 'hand' ,he started to take off his jack, the shirt and the vest until he was half naked, feeling my hand with his bare back…"

"Touching My Father 2002 I was not brave enough to touch my father with my real hand until he passed away. But he could not feel me anymore. His body was cold, so was my heart and the ineffaceable sadness… I recorded this touching with video. The forever-lasting sorrow has caused me incapable of watching the video. The touch therefore has been sealed up in the videotape and will never be opened up."

"Touching My Father 2002/2011 In the video, my father was teaching my sister’s daughter Zhu Mo how to play a peg top, a game he played during his childhood. This was the last family video before he passed away and it was happened to be shot at the Ancestral Temple. Since father's death, I had always wanted to do this third 'Touching Father'. But it was 8 years later when I first had the courage to face father’s image. This time, the touching was so hard."

When I was young, my impressions of my father were taken from photographs; sometimes pictured alone, sometimes standing among a group of people. I was aware that he was always on business trips, while I was attending kindergarten. We hardly saw each other. During the late 1960s, my father was sent to Wu Qi Carder School in Hubei. (Carder Schools were set up by the Communist Party to “re-educate” citizens to transform their thinking to align with the ideology of the Cultural Revolution). He was gone for a long time. My mother once brought my sister and me to visit him. I did not know that he was denounced as a counter-revolutionary. I have a very blurred memory of the Wu Qi Carder School. All I can recall was the “scorching weather”, “a dog named Xiao Huang”, and “a big trench” we had to cross in order to watch outdoor movies. What was left in my memory about my father’s appearance was a man wearing “the yellow uniform used during the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea” with “a face with a prickly beard”. I knew that he had never joined the military but I still had a moment of fear. During that time, soldiers were symbols of veneration and dignity. I knew he loved me so much. While his beard was poking my face, I felt warmth, affection and pain. I seem to still be able to feel all these sensations today. One day in 1973, I saw my father walking towards me from the entrance of the hutong. I did not step forward to welcome him but turned around and ran home instead. I knew it was because of the double effect of happiness and fear. My father was finally home! 

Then there was my unlimited admiration for my father. I loved to listen to the stories he told me; to play with all kinds of wooden guns and knives that he made for me. I thought that there was nothing he could not make. I was trying so hard to imitate him. My father was the authority and my idol. But there was still a quality of fear within me, accompanied by strangeness and respect. I gradually grew up and my feeling towards my father greatly changed. I started to challenge what he said and started to make my own decisions. I realized that there was a very deep generation gap between us. I was still scared of him. I always knew that he was my father and he never lost his dignity as a father in front of me. Whenever I had disagreements or conflicts with him, I kept silent and “refused to confess to the enemy” as if I was the little hero from the Eighth Route Army. I was rebellious and passive aggressive. 

In 1996, I was thirty, an age when a man is supposed to have matured and have an established career. In Chinese culture, we have a term for this, “san shi er li”. I made a work entitled “san shi bu li”, which literally means “not being mature and established”, the opposite of “san shi er li”. I asked my mother about things that had happened every year since I was born. I wrote down these stories told to me by my mother and my own memories throughout those thirty years using Chinese calligraphy, accumulating a total of thirty stacks. But I never asked my father about anything. I knew I was trying to do things my own way and to be special. But my father was still awe-inspiring to me. “Father guides son” is one of the three cardinal guides (the other two are “ruler guides subject” and “husband guides wife”) in the feudal family ethical code, which is still emphasized in China today. I also grew up in a tradition that believed in this.

 I went to Berlin in 1997. I was solitary and homesick in the midst of a strange language and cultural environment. I re-thought the communications I had had with my father. I started to realize that my father had his own reasons for what he did and said, which was, in many aspects, his truth. My respect for him was gradually restored. I wanted to express my love for him. I wanted to touch him many times. I understood this would be very difficult because there was a big gap between us. Finally, I came up with the idea of using video with the image of a hand that is “visible but not in a materialistic form”. I projected the video of my hand touching the air onto my father’s body. I used my “virtual hand” to touch my father. He accepted this “hand” and I experienced a complex feeling. It was very hard to explain and my father was experiencing a complex feeling as well. We did not have any conversations about it. But my “virtual hand” was breaching that invisible gap between us. I truly felt the power of, and am truly grateful for, art. 

In touching my father, we had built a bridge between the still-deep generation gap. We began to try harder in our communication. We did not define each other by each other’s ideas anymore. We both had our own way of living. Although father still did not agree with my choices in many aspects, he told me “you’ve grown up. My opinions are only suggestions. Your choices need to be your own.” While before he often used imperative terms such as “you should” or “you must not”, he started to change his vocabulary to “I suggest” or “I will keep my opinion to myself”. I was moved. I felt my father’s strength.

Touching My Father became the most important event in my life. Although the work has never been shown before, it opened the door for Art to enter my family life, becoming the center of our lives. It also turned into the lifeline that brought the relationship between my father and me into a new era.

1997-2011 Song Dong


第一次抚摸父亲 1997


第二次抚摸父亲 2002



第三次抚摸父亲 2002/2011





1997年我去了柏林,不同的语言和环境,让我安静而思乡,尤其是对家庭的思念。我反思了很多我与父亲的交流,我发现父亲说的好多事都有他的道理,我渐渐地对他又有了往日的敬仰。我想表达我的爱, 我很多时候想去用我的手去抚摸他,我知道做这件事是十分困难的,我也知道这在父子之间也有一道鸿沟。我想了很久终于想到了用那“看得见摸不着”影像,我将我正在抚摸空气的手的录像,用录像投影机投射到我父亲的身上,我用我的这只虚像的“手”抚摸我父亲。我父亲接受了我的这只 “手”,我得到一种复杂而丰富的感受,我知道这是说不清的,我也知道我父亲也在这“复杂”的感受之中。我们俩没说任何话,我知道我的“看得见摸不着”的手在抚平那看不见的沟,我真的感受到了艺术给我的力量,我非常感谢那个叫“艺术”的东西。



1997-2011 宋冬

ARTIST 艺术家简介


Song Dong

Born in Beijing, China, 1966. Works and lives in Beijing.

宋  冬


Song Dong has emerged from a strong Chinese avant-garde performing arts community and developed into a significant contemporary art figure in the progression of Chinese conceptual art. Song graduated from the fine arts department of Capital Normal University in Beijing in 1989. His work ranges from performance and video to photography and sculpture, exploring notions of impermanence and the transience of human endeavor. His works have been collected by The Museumof Modern Art, New York, U.S.A, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, U.S.A, The Guggenheim Museum, New York, U.S.A, The Guy & Myriam Ullens Foundation, Belgium, M+ museum, Hong Kong and many art museums and cultural organizations. 





周二到周五11:00-18:00   周六到周日09:30-19:00


Ticket: 10RMB

Museum Hours:

Tuesday to Friday: 11:00-18:00  

Saturday and Sunday: 09:30-19:00 

(Closed on Monday)

*RMCA will notice separately through official WeChat, in case of statutory festivals and special weather.

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For more information, please contact: Helen 

Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art (RMCA)




红专厂当代艺术馆 | RMCA
Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art 







Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art (hereinafter referred to as 'RMCA' ) is located in Guangzhou Redtory Art District, which inherits the architectural pattern in the industrial age of last century. The surface of the museum is surrounding by rough steel, which revealed its monumental historical significance.

The exhibition space in RMCA covers an area of over 4,000m, consisting of Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3, and E7 & E9 halls. The height of Hall 1 and Hall 2 space are more seven meters high.

RMCA is nonprofit private Contemporary Art Museum with the complex function of exhibition, academic research, art exchanges internal and external, public education, etc.

Contact Us


Address:C3,C1,C4, Redtory, No. 128 YuancunSiheng Road,Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China.

