
【RMCA | 一件作品】AK47 vs. M16

This artwork is displayed in exhibition

OutLook ] in Redtory Museum of 

Contemporary Art (RMCA)



Venue 所在展馆:RMCA E7/E9馆 


The Propeller Group | AK47 vs. M16

Bullets, Ballistics gel, Video | 2015

螺旋桨小组 | AK47 vs. M16

子弹碎片、弹道凝胶、影像 | 2015

AK47 vs. M16 (2015) is a project The Propeller Group (TPG) began working on in 2014 as they became increasingly interested with the idea of two opposing forces in conflict. 

“The project [was] inspired by a bullet that had collided with another that we came across on a battlefield of the American Civil War,” explains Tuan, one of the group’s members. At this point the group became obsessed with “what it meant for those two bullets to collide, and applying that idea to the guns that were being used in the Cold War era.”

In a highly controlled environment overseen by ballistics experts, an AK47 and M16 automatic assault rifle were positioned towards each other, and triggered simultaneously to discharge their ammunition into a gelatinous block. The block, made specifically for ballistic testing to mimic the density of human tissue, has the ability to captures the impact and collision down to a fraction of a second in what the artists refer to as the “stalemate of a moment…like a freeze frame.” The entire project is comprised of 21 unique sculptures each featuring a collision of two bullets inside a block and a video filmed at 20,000 frames per second. 

AK47 vs.M16, a collaboration with Grand Arts in Kansas City, which was also included in the 56th Venice Biennale and exhibited as a solo installation at Grand Arts in Kansas City, MO in 2015, originated when the group began looking into the birth of the M16 and an AK47, the two main assault rifles that were employed by the United States and Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and how they represent a larger East/West cultural and social duality. AK47 vs. M16 creates a visually arresting manifestation of the political and social power struggles that dominated the Vietnam and Cold War, as well as a comment on the today’s perceptions on opposing sides of conflict.

《AK47 vs. M16》(2015)是螺旋桨小组(TPG)从2014年开始着手的项目,起因是他们对冲突当中两股对抗的力量越来越感兴趣。



《AK47 vs. M16》参加了56届威尼斯双年展,并且在2015年以独立装置的形式在艺术馆展出。作品源于小组开始探究越战中美国与越南使用的两种主要步枪——M16和AK47——的诞生,及它们如何体现了更大范畴内东/ 西方文化及社会二元对立。《AK47 vs. M16》创造了一种视觉呈现,凸显了由越战和冷战主导的政治社会权力斗争,亦对现今相互冲突的对立形态做出了回应。

ARTIST 艺术家简介 

The Propeller Group

A collective based in Ho Chi Minh City and founded in 2006 by Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Phunam, and Matt Lucero.


一个活跃在胡志明市的艺术家群体,2006年由Tuan Andrew Nguyen,Phunam及Matt Lucero成立。

As an integral part of their practice, TPG has cultivated the guise of an advertising agency—a platform through which they are able to engage in large-scale production efforts focused on the dramatic cultural and political changes occurring in Vietnam. Working with local and international television, film, and music producers, the group creates multimedia projects that adopt the aesthetics and language of popular culture, while undermining existing strategies for the dispersion and consumption of cultural content.

 “In many of our projects, we try to create disorder, hoping that disorder in such particular instances can become another sense of order to an audience that may be all too afraid of change or unable to accept other possible ways of engaging with current social structures. We like to play. We align ourselves with different cultural producers. We like to let ourselves get ingested into the bellies of big social beasts such as television, advertising, or the various manifestations of pop-culture.” –The Propeller Group


“在我们的许多项目中,我们都试图创造无序,希望在这种特定事例中,无序对于某个观众来说可以成为另一种秩序,这位观众也许极害怕改变,又或许在当今的社会结构中,无法接受其他的参与方式。我们喜欢玩。我们将自己与不同的文化生产者统一起来。我们享受着进入社会大怪物的内部并被其消化的过程,社会大怪物指的是电视、广告或是流行文化的各种呈现方式。”——螺旋桨小组(The Propeller Group)




周二到周五11:00-18:00   周六到周日09:30-19:00


Ticket: 10RMB

Museum Hours:

Tuesday to Friday: 11:00-18:00  

Saturday and Sunday: 09:30-19:00 

(Closed on Monday)

*RMCA will notice separately through official WeChat, in case of statutory festivals and special weather.

↓  请点击“阅读原文”,了解更多作品详情。

For more information, please contact: Helen

Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art (RMCA)




红专厂当代艺术馆 | RMCA
Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art 







Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art (hereinafter referred to as 'RMCA' ) is located in Guangzhou Redtory Art District, which inherits the architectural pattern in the industrial age of last century. The surface of the museum is surrounding by rough steel, which revealed its monumental historical significance.

The exhibition space in RMCA covers an area of over 4,000m, consisting of Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3, and E7 & E9 halls. The height of Hall 1 and Hall 2 space are more seven meters high.

RMCA is nonprofit private Contemporary Art Museum with the complex function of exhibition, academic research, art exchanges internal and external, public education, etc.

Contact Us


Address:C3,C1,C4, Redtory, No. 128 YuancunSiheng Road,Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China.

