
『雕塑头条』 全球征集公告丨“百分百”@武汉•2020东湖国际生态雕塑双年展

武晔男 雕塑头条 2023-07-10














































(7)所有应征作品均可投递组委会专属邮箱:elesb@qq.com ,请注明“东湖国际生态雕塑双年展应征作品”字样。









A Call for Global Art Work:100% @Wuhan 2020 East Lake International Ecological Sculpture Biennale

I. Exhibition background

In 2017, the first "27-degree Angle" East Lake International Ecological Sculpture Exhibition was successfully held in Shimenfeng Memorial Park, Wuhan. This is the first domestic sculpture exhibition taking ecology as the theme, as well as a pioneering exhibition that advocates ecological civilization, promotes ecological art and renews ecological concept. This exhibition has drawn wide attention of the society and has had a significant influence.

With the spread of the global epidemic in 2020, ecological problems were once again put on the table of the world and everyone in an acutely way. It also once again verified the foresight, necessity and urgency of the East Lake International Ecological Sculpture Biennale.

In the post-epidemic era, how to strengthen the promotion of ecological culture and ecological art, and advocate the concept of ecological civilization in our culture, art and daily life in a better and more consciously manner is a long-term task; it is not only related to us today, but also to the common future of the human beings. In the face of ecology, everyone has certain responsibility.

Wuhan is a city of heroes on the shore of the East Lake. It was once a severe infected area of the epidemic. Sunshine is more precious after rainstorm and life is never so lovable after experiencing disasters. After being tested by the epidemic, Wuhan has every reason to raise up the banner of ecology and turn Wuhan into a city of ecology, a city of harmony with human and nature, and a city of sustainably developing future.

Therefore, the Second East Lake international Ecological Sculpture Biennale will set sail again in March 2021. It will continue to follow the cutting-edge, academic, public welfare, and international exhibition concept to attempt to dialogue with the city and the citizens through excellent ecological art works at home and abroad in ShimenfengMemorial Park and Wuhan Creative World, and interpret ecology aesthetics and life aesthetics through high-tech and ecological means that keep pace with the times.

II. Exhibition theme and the interpretation

Exhibition theme: 100%


100% is first of all an attitude and a kind of determination. It expresses the attitude of the Ecological Sculpture Biennale to spare no effort to promote ecological civilization and the determination to lead the ecological art in China in an innovative way. Only with the attitude and determination of 100%, can we attach great importance to ecology, promote the thorough transformation of ecological concept, thus the ecological civilization we expect is possible to be realized.

100% is also a kind of perspective and a kind of vision. It advocates an all-round ecological perspective, emphasizing ecological awareness, ecological care, ecological behavior and ecological aesthetics, runs them through the whole of our lives, implements a 100% coverage and 100% all-round illuminating. This will be a revolution in the way of human thinking and cognition, which will promote the transformation of human beings from self-centered to ecological centered.

In addition, 100% is also the media means of ecological art and the expression means of ecological aesthetics. The exhibition advocates to carry out ecological expression in the way of omni-media. The media mode of the exhibition works is 100% open that it can be the art mode of traditional media or new media. Any works that conform to the academic direction of the exhibition and meet the requirements of the exhibition site can become the presentation means and expression mode of the Ecological Sculpture Exhibition.

At last, 100% expresses an ideal and desire. It expresses the ideal of social mobilization and the desire of broad participation of the public. The purpose of East Lake Ecological Sculpture Biennale is, in the final analysis, to mobilize the whole society to pay attention to the ecology, actively protect the ecological environment, actively participate in the construction of ecological civilization, and actively practice the green, environmental protection and sustainable lifestyle. To realize this ideal and desire will be the long-term task of East Lake international Ecological Sculpture Biennale.

III. Time and location

Time: March 28, 2021 to June 2021

Location: Wuhan Shimenfeng Memorial Park, No.9 Art Space of Wuhan Creative World

IV. Organizations of the exhibition


Hubei Art Museum

Wuhan United Art Museum

Wuhan Shimenfeng Memorial Park Co., Ltd

Wuhan Creative Industry Development Co., Ltd

Wuhan Tianyuhengxin Investment Management Co., Ltd


Hubei Daily Media Group, Chutian Art Group

Artistic Director: Fu Zhongwang

Curator: Sun Zhenhua

Academic Host: Lu Hong, Ji Shaofeng

V. Overall framework and content of the exhibition

1. Exhibition location:

 (1) Outdoor space of Shimenfeng Memorial Park

 (2) No.9 Art Space of Wuhan Creative World (indoor and outdoor)

2. Exhibition works

This Biennale openly solicits 30 pieces of works. The solicitation period is from August 24, 2020 to October 22, 2020, subject to the time when the plan is submitted and sent.

After the solicitation of the works, the organizing committee will organize two rounds of selection to select 60 works or plans of works as to-be-reviewed works. In the second round of review, 30 works out of 60 works will be selected to constitute the exhibition.

In order to abide by the principle of fairness and confidentiality, the list of judges will be released to the public after the review.

3. Requirements for candidate works

(1) There are no restrictions on the forms of the works, and ecological, environmental and renewable materials are encouraged; sound sculpture, light sculpture, new media art, fiber art and new sensing technology art are encouraged to participate in the exhibition. Since the exhibition space has indoor part and outdoor part, artists can choose according to their own expertise.

(2) In principle, the candidate works should be new works created in recent years. Under the same conditions, new works have the priority to participate in the exhibition.

(3) Each artist is limited to submit two alternative works, either completed works or plans of new works.

(4) In view of the current application of science and technology in new media art has become an important art form of ecology and environmental protection, an exhibition unit specially for new media art and fiber art will be set up to ensure that there will be a certain number of new media art participating in the exhibition. The organizing committee encourages creative works that closely combine new media art and functional daily life, such as, daily catering.

(5) To submit completed works for exhibition, photos and videos of the works are acceptable; to submit the plans of works, entity models or electronic design sketches are required. All submitted works or plans should be accompanied by creation instructions.

(6) The materials for solicitation can be provided by electronic materials or paper materials. In addition to the exhibition works, the content shall also include the author's resume, personal photos, work unit, contact information, education, exhibition records, photos of representative works, etc.

(7) All works for solicitation can be delivered to the organizing committee’s email address: elesb@qq.com. Please specify “Applying for the East Lake Ecological Sculpture Biennale”.

If the works is submitted by mail, the mailing address is No.9, Shimenfeng Road, Jiufeng Street Office, East Lake High-tech Zone, Wuhan, Hubei Province. Contact number:Xiao Yong,+86 15926436785/Chen Ying,+86 13212770014. Please also specify “Applying for the East Lake Ecological Sculpture Biennale” in the mail. Kind reminder: You will pay your own mailing expenses during the solicitation period and all the material  won't be returned.

VI. Rights and obligations of participating artists

1. Each officially selected artist will receive a creation subsidy of RMB 20000 (after tax).

2.Among the 30 works, the organizing committee can collect a number of works according to the demand; each collected work will be paid a collected remuneration ofRMB 80000 (before tax) and will no longer enjoy the creation subsidy. In case of some special works,the organizing committee can discuss with the artist based on the real situation.

3.The collected works will be permanently exhibited in Shimenfeng Memorial Park or No.9 Art Space of Wuhan Creative World.

4. If the collected works are convenient for on-site creation, they can also be created by artists on site. The organizing committee will provide the necessary labor, equipment and materials for creation.

5. In principle, the rest of the participating works will be provided by the exhibitors themselves, and the organizing committee will be responsible for the transportation expenses and insurance.

6. The exhibition organizing committee will sign an exhibition agreement with each participating artist.

7. The participating artists in the exhibition shall guarantee the integrity and entire intellectual property rights of their works. In case of plagiarism, infringement and other acts, the artists shall be fully responsible for them.

8. The participating artists have the responsibility to cooperate with the staff in the unified scheduling and do a good job in the installation and settlement of the exhibiting works.

9. The participating artists should cooperate with the publicity and promotion of the exhibition and agree to use their portraits and photos of works in various non-commercial promotion activities.

10. The participating artists will be invited to attend the opening ceremony of the exhibition and the academic seminar, and the organizer will provide transportation, accommodation and other expenses. Each artist will get one exhibition album and one exhibition certificate. For the artists whose art work is collection certificate.

The right of interpretation of this announcement belongs to the organizing committee of the exhibition. Relevant matters not covered in this announcement will be negotiated and communicated according to various specific situations.

It is hereby announced.

Office of the exhibition:

Ms.Jiang+86 13986166020

Mr.Xiao  +86 15926436785

100% @Wuhan 2020 East Lake International Ecological Sculpture Biennale

August 24, 2020





2017东湖国际生态雕塑双年展 紧张布展中

27度角——东湖国际生态雕塑双年展 征稿启事


 雕 塑 名 企 



