

精美天涯 2022-08-02


《开放新高地 共享新未来》英文版





There is a beautiful line that circles the Earth,at latitude 18°N,and it crosses China in a magical place called Hainan.


She is beautiful,she is energetic,she is an open door, welcoming the world.A bright future is dawning here,a bright light is shining here,quickly growing to illuminate the globe.

一系列开放举措,正让海南在火热的自由贸试验区建设中,逐步实现人员、货物、 资金跨境自由流动,与世界共享美好新未来。

A new movement is starting here;A Pilot Free Trade Zone is being built here.People, goods, and capital will begin to move freely here.And we want to share this beautiful future with you all.


开放新高地 共享新未来An Open Door, A New Shared Future


Hainan is China’s only tropical island province,and its coastline is 1,900 kilometers long.The scenic coastal view goes on and on.The warm tropical sunlight nurtures a huge variety of products.The air is clear and clean all year round.This first-class living environment has earned Hainan the nickname of “Health Island”.

开放海南 拥抱世界Hainan is Opening Up to Embrace the World


In the past,Hainan was a major stop on the ancient Maritime Silk Road.Now, it is an important point on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,as well as China’s vital gateway to the Pacific and Indian Oceans.


Its 5 natural deep-water ports are connected to a vast network of ocean routes,linking major international trade channels.Its 3 international airports offer over 300 routes stretching across the globe,creating tight connections throughout the whole world.


Now,Hainan’s 59-Country Visa-Free Entry Policy has been implemented,and the free trade accounting system has officially been launched.Hainan has sped up integration with China’s New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.The Government has worked hard to create a law-based, international and business-friendly environment.


The International Arbitration Court,the Intellectual Property Court,and the International Commercial Mediation Center all have their own establishments in Hainan.The Pre-Establishment National Treatment management system and a “negative list” have been implemented in Hainan.PwC, DTT, KPMG and EY, the Big Four accounting firms,have gathered here to provide more international accounting,legal, and consulting services for multinational companies that do business here.


Every April,the Boao Forum for Asia puts Hainan in the global spotlight.Guests from all over the world are invited here to discuss win-win cooperation and share their wisdom.


International competitions and cultural exchange events,including the Miss World Finals and the Hainan International Film Festival,have been held here frequently.International exchange platforms have been established.Hainan has opened her heart, and joined the global dance.

梦想海南 拥抱未来Hainan is Fulfilling Her Dreams of the Future


Now on the banks of the South China Sea,the Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone is being created,focusing on tourism, modern services,and high-tech sectors,and giving priority to 12 key industries,laying a solid foundation for the creation of the Hainan Free Trade Zone.

同时,医疗健康产业、金融保险业、会展业、现代物流业、海洋产业、医药产业、低碳制造业、高新技术 、教育、文化体育产业不断壮大成长。

Meanwhile, industries such as healthcare,financial insurance,MICE,modern logistic,marine industry ,the pharmaceutical industry,low-carbon manufacturing,high-tech,education,culture, and sports, keep growing.

旅游产业发展全面发力,亚特兰蒂斯等世界顶级酒店喜迎四方宾客,购物游、邮轮游艇游等旅游新业态方兴未艾,热带特色高效农业正阔步迈向现代化 走向国际化。近年来互联网产业保持年均30%以上的增长速度

The tourism industry is developing at full strength.Atlantis and other world-class hotels welcome guests from all parts of the world.Shopping, cruises and yacht tours, and other new forms of tourism are thriving.In Hainan, high-yield tropical agriculture is moving toward modernization and internationalization.Recently, Hainan’s Internet industry has maintained an average annual growth rate of over 30%.


With strategic foresight,several major scientific and technological innovation bases are emerging rapidly,including: Wenchang Aerospace Science and Technology Park for space exploration;and the Sanya Institute of Deep Sea Science and Technology, for deep sea exploration.The Nanfan Science and Technology Park is renown as the “Silicon Valley” of the Chinese Seed Industry.In the Bo’ao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone,medical equipment and drugs keep up with advanced international standards with the help of a unique open policy.

海口江东新区正在建设海南全面对外开放的集中展示区;三亚中央商务区CBD正引领国际旅游消费中心建设。一片广阔的发展舞台正呈现在世界各地投资者面前。阿里巴巴 淡马锡等国内外知名企业纷纷布局海南,海南正成为投资兴业的福地

In Haikou Jiangdong New District,a centralized exhibition area for Hainan’s comprehensive opening-up is being built.The Sanya Central Business District is leading the establishment of an international tourism and shopping center.A broad platform for development is being presented to investors worldwide.Alibaba, Temasek, and other well-known domestic and international enterprises have all set up offices here.Hainan is becoming an investment hotspot.

中国 选择了海南 

China chose Hainan


and Hainan is making history


If you choose Hainan


Hainan will help you achieve your dreams


(↑ 点击查看三亚市天涯区“新名片”)

(↑ 点击查看纪录片《村里的脱贫故事》)


► 文明祭祀、平安清明




