
26寒假预习|外研社版初中英语(新标准)九年级下册 Module 4

学习点击👉 班主任讲堂 2021-10-26


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01Moudle 4 单词

set off  动身;出发

sock[sɒk]  短袜

whenever [wenˈevə]  每当;无论什么时候

proper[ˈprɒpə] 合适的,适当的

edge[edʒ]  边;边缘

yourself[jɔ:ˈself]  你自己

go off  离开

starve[stɑ:v]  挨饿;饿死

go[gəʊ]  尝试;努力

in one go  一口气;一下子

rock[rɒk]  岩;岩石

rock climbing  攀岩

stone[stəʊn]  石头

fairly[ˈfeəli]  相当;还算

smooth[smu:ð]   无困难的;顺利的;光滑的;平坦的

straight[streɪt]   直的;笔直的

tent[tent]  帐篷

fall [fɔ:l]  变成,进入(某种状态)

fall asleep   入睡;睡着

hang[hæŋ]   悬挂;吊

sudden[ˈsʌdn]  突然的;急剧的

gun[gʌn]  枪

soft[sɒft]  软的;柔软的

still[stɪl]  静止的;不动的

wood[wʊd] (小)树林;林地

blood[blʌd]  血;血液

02Moudle 4 电子课本

03Moudle4 知识梳理

Module4 Rules and suggestions
Unit1 You must be careful of falling stones.

1. pay attention to sth. /doing sth. 注意(做)某事        

2. for a moment 一会儿   

3. set off/out= start off/out 出发,动身 
set off for sp. 动身去某地    

4. suggest doing sth. 建议做某事    
suggest that sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人应该做某事
make a suggestion 提建议         

5. whenever = no matter when 无论什么时候   
6. close to = next to = near 靠近  

7. hurt oneself 伤着某人自己  

8. keep together 聚在一起,不分散

9. be/get lost 迷路  

10. go off = leave 离开;熄灭;变质   

11. on one’s own = by oneself = alone 独自地  
12. start to do / doing sth. 开始做某事       

13. to start/begin with 起初,开始的时候

14. be careful of/with sth. 小心某物      
be careful of doing sth. 小心做某事 
be careful to do sth. 做某事小心    

15. come on 过来;赶快;加油  

16. begin/start with 以……开始        

17. get + adj. 变得(强调变化) 
get yellow   

Unit2 We must keep the camp clean.

1. watch out = look out = be careful 小心,当心  
watch out for sb. /sth. 当心某人/某物

2. the three of us 我们三个人(总共三人)     
three of us 我们中的三个(我们不止三人)

3. fall asleep 入睡            
4. in the middle of the night = at midnight 在午夜   

5. noise  n.噪音  
noisy  adj.吵闹的  
noisily  adv.吵闹地  
make a noise 制造噪音

6. look out of … 从...…往外看    
Don’t look out of the window in class. 上课时不要看窗外。  

7. open  adj. 开着的;营业的   
closed  adj.关闭着的  
open  v.打开;开业  
close  v.关闭

8. in a tree (外来的物)在树上     
on a tree (树本身长的的东西)在树上

9. put up 建造;搭起;举起        

10. from a long way away 从很远的地方 

11. tidy up 收拾;整理;使整洁    

12. reach out 伸出(手或臂)  
reach out for sth. 伸手去够某物   
reach sp. 到达某地     
13. look up 抬头;向上看;查找,查阅

14. a piece of wood 一块木头   
in the woods 在树林 

15. every time = each time 每次;每当(引导时间状语从句)

16. My blood went cold. 我全身发冷。  
go bad变坏/变质   
go blind 失明

17. except 介词 除……之外,常与all, every, anything, anyone, no 等词连用。

18. be made of 由……制成的   
The table is made of wood. 这张桌子是用木头做成的。

19. wake up to …= realize 意识到 
We must wake up to the importance of English.

20. To save water is to save lives. 节约水就是挽救生命。 
To see is to believe. 眼见为实。

13. pass on… to…= pass…on to… 把……传递给……  
Please pass on the letter to him. 请把这封信递给他。

14. in order to do sth. 为了做某事  
15. so that + 句子  以便;为了   

16. at the same time 同时    

17. be known as 作为……而出名  
She is known as a writer. 她作为一名作家而出名。

18. be responsible for sb. /sth. 对某人/某事负责  
I’m responsible for my child. 我对我的孩子负责。

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