

2017-11-09 Annabella 病毒学界

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近日,扬州大学刘秀梵院士等在Vaccine杂志上发表题为《Newcastle disease virus (NDV)recombinant expressing the hemagglutinin of H7N9 avian influenza virus protectschickens against NDV and highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H7N9) viruschallenges》的简讯,成功构建了一种可以表达禽流感病毒H7N9 HA蛋白的NDV载体疫苗株rLXHAF,可保护鸡群同时抵抗新城疫强毒和高致病性禽流感病毒H7N9的攻击。高致病性H7N9的疫情防控提供了研究数据。





        为了获得可同时低于新城疫和高致病性H7N9流感病毒的双价疫苗,研究者将低致病性H7N9流感病毒A/chicken/Zhejiang/JX148/2014(简称JX148)的HA与NDV F蛋白相融合,成功构建一种够同时抵抗NDV和HPAIH7N9的二价候选疫苗,命名为rLXHAF(图1A),经western-blot和免疫荧光检测,融合有NDV F蛋白TM/CTD 区的HA外功能区可以很好的整合到NDV病毒粒上(图1B-1D),该重组病毒在鸡胚成纤维细胞CEF中生长动力学在72h和96h时可与野生型病毒无明显差异(图1E)。

Fig. 1. Construction and characterization of the rNDVs expressing the HA protein of H7N9 virus


        将双价疫苗免疫鸡群后,分别使用血凝抑制抗体、中和抗体和ELISA结合抗体IgG等检测方法评估疫苗诱发的针对NDV和同型H7N9 的免疫反应,结果发现,难以检测到针对HA的HI和MN,但可以检测到较高滴度的HA总抗体


Fig. 2. Antibody titers induced by the recombinant NDVs in chickens. Each vaccination group was divided into two subgroups and the text in parenthesis indicates the challenge virus. A: HI antibody titers against NDV. B: VN antibody titers against NDV. C: NDV-specific IgY antibody titers as determined by ELISA. D: HI antibody titers against H7N9. E: VN antibody titers against H7N9. F: H7 HA-specific IgY antibody titers measured by ELISA


        使用10的5次方 EID50 的致死性 NDV 或 HPAI H7N9进行攻击,结果发现,疫苗对感染NDV鸡群的保护率为100%,对感染HPAI H7N9的鸡群保护率可达80%,并能减少NDV和H7N9的病毒载量,证实疫苗确实可以使鸡群有效抵抗NDV和HPAI H7N9(Table 1)。


The emerged highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H7N9) (HPAI) viruses in China pose a dual challenge to public health and poultry industry. Thus H7N9 vaccines are in an urgent need. In this study, we constructed a Newcastle disease virus (NDV)-vectored vaccine (rLXHAF) expressing the hemagglutinin (HA) of H7N9 virus fused with the transmembrane/cytoplasmic tail domain of the NDV fusion protein. rLXHAF stably expressed the HA protein, exhibited similar growth kinetics and pathogenicity as the parental virus. rLXHAF induced positive NDV-specific hemagglutination inhibition (HI), virus neutralization (VN) and total IgY antibodies and completely protected chickens from NDV challenge. Unexpectedly, rLXHAF elicited undetectable HI and VN titers but high overall IgY antibody titers against H7N9 measured by ELISA. The vaccine provided 80% protection against HPAI H7N9 challenge. Virus shedding of NDV and H7N9 challenge strains was reduced. Our results suggest that rLXHAF is immunogenic and efficacious against HPAI H7N9 virus in chickens.


1. NDV-vectored H7 bivalent vaccinecandidate provided a dual protection from virulent NDV and HPAI H7N9 viruschallenges.

2. The vaccine induced negative HI and VNantibody responses but high levels of HA-specific IgY antibody as measured by ELISA.

3. HI and VN antibody are not good indicatorsfor protection induced by H7 vector vaccines in chickens.


ZengleiHu,XiaowenLiu,XinanJiao, XiufanLiu.Newcastle disease virus (NDV) recombinant expressing the hemagglutinin of H7N9avian influenza virus protects chickens against NDV and highly pathogenic avianinfluenza A (H7N9) virus challenges.

doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2017.10.010


