
Irene Zhang:打卡“欧洲九寨沟” Mark the "European Jiuzhaigou"

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2020-08-26


Irene Zhang二十年前,离开四川到美国生活了,从事金融工作。热爱摄影,相机和手机都是她喜欢的摄影工具。

Irene Zhang left Sichuan twenty years ago to live in the United States and she engages in finance. Zhang loves photography, camera and mobile phone are all her favorite photography tools.

作为从四川走出去的人,Irene Zhang对于名闻遐迩的九寨沟有着不一样的热爱情怀,当听说南欧国家克罗地亚,有一个叫做“普利特维采湖群”的国家公园,由十六个大大小小的湖泊组成的公园,可以与四川的九寨沟媲美,号称“欧洲九寨沟”,于是,就决定打卡这个网红地。

 As a person who went out of Sichuan, Irene Zhang has a different passion for the famous Jiuzhaigou. When she heard that there is a national park called "Plitvice Lakes" in Croatia which is located in southern Europe that is composed of sixteen lakes in various sizes can be compared to Jiuzhaigou, called the “European Jiuzhaigou”, she decided to visit this popular place.


Sure enough, the "Sixteen Lakes Park" does have the shadow of Jiuzhaigou, lakes reflect mountains, waterfalls flow, showing clear reflections. The limestone and other minerals in the karst landforms form a special color of the lakes. These lakes that are surrounded by barium calcite are gorgeous and colorful, this "Sixteen Lakes Park" is as beautiful as fairylands. 


 In 1979, 30 years after the Plitvice Lakes National Park was established, UNESCO included it in the "World Natural Heritage" list which is a total of 13 years earlier than Jiuzhaigou. However, Jiuzhaigou has long been famous among the world, but the "Plitvice Lakes" was not well known until the Croatian independence.

Irene Zhang说最打动她的不仅有醉人的美景,还有就是这里安静,没有一般热门旅游区人声鼎沸的喧嚣,让人回归到最自然的本色。

 Irene Zhang said that what impressed her the most was not only the intoxicating beauty but also the quietness, without the hustle and bustle of the common popular tourist areas, making people return to the most natural self.


编译:Cindy & Mary


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