
方圆境界 写意楚天——武汉摄影师杨文的意象风景摄影

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2020-08-26





Yang Wen


Since photography was invented, it changed the human life and the way to appreciate beauty. In today's technological world, new digital cameras and mobile phones with the feature to take photos are kept replacing the old ones, making the once mysterious image visual art to become a common culture that everyone has access to. While many exquisite, beautiful, realistic, and creative photos that filled every aspect of people's lives, bring them a visual festival, some levels of "aesthetic fatigue" evolved.


Recently, I often felt confused and bewildered by my photographic understanding and action. Once I participated in a photography salon activity and saw the works of Mr. Fang Su, the professor at the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts. Aren't the artistic conception of the "lush pines surrounded by clouds," the poetic senses of "the grass got green when the flute was blown," "the calf chews the tender grass on the flat ridge," or the fine capture of the elements of the weather, wild, and woods exactly the photographic level I liked and pursued?  A few days ago, I read the article written by the chairman of China Photographers Association, Li Ke, for naturalism and pictorial photography, which he calls it "typical oriental aesthetics."


    The wisdom of duty and conduct is respected by people since ancient times, duty is the obligation as a person, conduct is the way to live in a society. As an individual, both duty and conduct must be applied, the same is true for painting. Therefore I tried to make use of duty and conduct as a way to show magic from ordinary, sketching the beautiful spirit and rhyme of the land of Hubei by this group of landscape works, which was taken there.

大江大湖大武汉 Grand River, Grand Lake, Grand Wuhan

一.秘境神农架 The Mysterious Shennongjia

位于湖北西部的神农架国家级自然保护区,是中国首个获得联合国教科文组织人与生物圈自然保护区、世界地质公园、 世界遗产名录的自然保护区,主要保护对象为北亚热带山地森林生态系统及特有、珍稀物种,如栱桐、金丝猴等,为中国AAAAA级旅游景区及中国最美十大森林公园。

Shennongjia National Nature Reserve is located in western Hubei, it is the first to be on the Man and Biosphere Reserve, Global Geopark, World Heritage List of UNESCO in China. This reserve's main protecting animals are those that are unique to the northern subtropical mountain-forest ecosystem and some other rare species such as dove tree, snub-nosed monkeys, etc.. It is China's AAAAA level tourist attraction and one of China's ten prettiest forest parks.

神龙顶飞云 The Dragon Pushes Up the Clouds

神龙谷 The Shenlong Valley

层林尽染 Levels of the Forest

板壁岩景观石 Landscape Stone: Wooden Partition Rock

金丝猴的粮仓 Snub-nosed Monkey's Granary

绝壁夕照 Sunset at the Precipice

树树皆秋色 Trees in the Colors of Fall

保护区内的植物 Plants in the Reserve

蓝脸金丝猴 Blue Faced Snub-nosed Monkeys

二.梦幻大九湖 The Dreamlike Dajiuhu Lake


Shennongjia Dajiuhu National Wetland Park is the only subtropical subalpine sphagnum moss wetland of 31°N among the world, the creek here connected nine lakes and is surrounded by mountains. The tallest peak is 2800 meters above sea level, forming an organized nine mountain ridges, nine creeks, nine plains, and nine lakes, thus creating a gorgeous view with unique glacial landforms and alpine meadows.

沼泽晨雾 Fog at the Swamp in the Morning

九湖牧羊人 Shepherd in Jiuhu 

五彩草甸 Colorful Meadow

梦幻大九湖 The Dreamlike Dajiuhu Lake

春之韵 The Rhyme of Spring


三.恩施大峡谷 Enshi Grand Canyon


   The Enshi Grand Canyon, which is located near the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is praised by many photographers and explorers within and out of the country to be comparable with the Grand Canyon in Colorado, United States. The total length of the Enshi Canyon is 108 kilometers, it is one of the National AAAAA Level Tourist Attractions and National Geoparks. Geographic features such as cenotes, ground fissures, precipice, peak clusters, rock pillars, karst caves, subterranean rivers, and others are all available at once. This place is being called "the national museum of the karst landforms," and it is one of the ten most famous tourist sites in Hubei.

峡谷秀色 View of the Canyon

云中一柱香 An Incense Stick in the Clouds 

屏峰叠嶂 Flat Sided Mountain and Stacked Peaks

光耀玉笋峰 Glorious Yusun Peak 

纤云弄巧 Wispy Clouds Transform

白云飞瀑 The Rushing Waterfall in the White Clouds

自然之子 Son of Nature

暗河情丝 Sentiment in the Subterranean River

峡壁生辉  Canyon Wall Glows

四.千年银杏谷 The Thousand-Year Ginkgo Valley (Qiannian Yinxinggu)


   The city of Suizhou is located in northern Hubei, the famous Bianzhong was unearthed here, it is also the ancestor of the Chinese people, Yandi Shennong's birthplace. The Ginkgo Valley here is one of the four major ancient ginkgo communities. Today, 308 ginkgos are more than 1000 years old, there are also more than ten thousand ginkgos over 500 years old. It is known as "the hometown of Chinese ginkgo".

千年银杏树 The Eternal Ginkgo

编钟古韵 Bianzhong Rhyme

银杏谷 Ginkgo Valley

林疏木秀 Leafless Woods

五.云中九宫山 Jiugong Mountains in the Clouds



   Jiugong Mountains is located in the southeastern part of Hubei province's Tongshan County, where it connected Jiangxi. This is one of the National Scenic Area and a natural reserve. It is also one of the tallest peaks in middle western China and one of the five major Daoist mountains. There is the most distinctive tarn in China located 1230 meters above sea level, which is called the Lake in the Clouds. According to legend, the uprising leader Li Zicheng during the late Ming Dynasty, who failed and was killed, was buried here.


大美九宫山 The Beautiful Jiugong Mountain

云海风车 Windmill in the Sea of Cloud

云中湖 The Lake in the Clouds

六.浓浓红叶情 Deep Affection of Red Leaves


Chinese tallow is a common tall tree grown in nature, it greens the environment and can be used as a medicine, which is the most important honey plant in China. They grow in the mountains and farms of Qichun, Luotian,etc., the hometown of the herbalist, Li Shizhen, of the Ming Dynasty who wrote the masterpiece of Compendium of Materia Medica. Every time in autumn, the gorgeous views of the fire like mountains attract people to stop and appreciate.

自然的调色盘 Nature's Palette

醉美七星湖 Drunk with Beauty at Seven Lakes

神龟 Turtles in Tea Garden

蕲春红叶 Qichun's Red Leaves

山村灵光 Brightness of a Mountain Village

一泓静水 An Expanse of Calm Water

秋后 After Autumn

七.武汉人的情怀 Affection of Wuhan's People


    Wuhan, a heroic city! As someone from Wuhuan, I love the rivers and lakes here, love the cherry blossoms on the campus of Wuhan University, love the snow scene of the Guta Tower in Baotong Temple, love the cloudy ancient Yellow Crane Tower, love the skyscraping Yangtze River Bridges......

武大樱花 The Cherry Blossom at Wuhan University

古塔雪影 The Snow Scene at Guta Tower

千古黄鹤楼 The Eternal Yellow Crane Tower

长江大桥雄 The Firm Yangtze River Bridge



The camera is round, the vision is also round,and the exploration has no limits. To use a line from a famous photographer who originated from Wuhan that gained many awards in the international nature photography field: "In today's world where nature photography is popular, emotion and art, light and chance, discovery and composition raised to another level! Only being able to understand it, will one know how to continue the path, walk out of your  misunderstandings and confusion!" Look out to the sky, mountains, and water, let the mind sink in nature, and feel the elegance of oriental aesthetics, this is my interpretation on the road of art--

Thanks for viewing! Welcome to Collect!


个人简介:杨文  女 59岁 湖北省摄影家协会会员   湖北省女摄影家会员员作家、影视动漫编剧 学习摄影6年,其摄影作品多次获得地区奖。2018、2019年加入美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU,并参加摄影展,作品《神农架金丝猴》组照获得2019年纽约国际摄影艺术展银奖。

 Personal introduction: Yang Wen, female, 59 years old, a member of Hubei Provincial Photographers Association, a member of Hubei Provincial Female Photographers Association, an author, a film and television cartoon writer, study photography for 6 years, her photographic works have won many regional awards. In 2018 and 2019, she joined the American International Photographers Union (AIPU) and participated in the photography show. The group photo of "Shennongjia Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey" won the silver award in the 2019 New York International Photography Art Exhibition.


欢迎收藏作品/ Welcome to Collect Works


整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/Edit & Translate:Cindy & Mary

制作/ Produce:AIPU

AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015   

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