

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2021-02-04


摄影师 Photographer 

陆鉴平 Lu Jianping

摄影师 Photographer 

于艺 Yu Yi







It is the first national park in the world,

It is the largest park in the world,

It is one of the largest craters in the world,

It has one of the largest forests in the world,

It is called "the most unique magical paradise on earth"

It---------------is Yellowstone National Park.


The natural landscape of Yellowstone National Park is divided into five regions, the middle is the canyon area, the west and southwest are the geyser area, the mammoth hot spring area in the northwest, the Yellowstone Lake area in the southeast, and the Roosevelt area in the northeast.


In the canyon area, the river from the Yellowstone Lake flows through a section of gentle hills and then enters a steep canyon about 38 kilometers long, which is called the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. This is one of the most magnificent and beautiful sceneries in Yellowstone Park. Here, the turbulent river waves splashed, forming two magnificent waterfalls, roaring into the valley floor.

间歇喷泉区遍布间歇喷泉、温泉、蒸气、热水潭、泥地和喷气孔。它是黄石公园里最热最活跃也是最不稳定的一系列间歇泉。这里的热泉都是在不断变化,有新的热泉出现,也有老的热泉枯竭。水中不同的颜色可以显示出水温的不同。 老忠实喷泉是美国黄石公园中最负盛名的景观。它不像其他喷泉那样爆发没有规律,它每隔几十分钟,就会喷发一次,从不叫旅客失望。它始终如一的忠实受到世人的喜爱,遂得“老忠实”这样的美名。人们来到黄石公园,必到老忠实喷泉一睹为快。但见它不喷则已,一喷则如万马奔腾,更兼在阳光辉映下,水蒸气闪出七彩颜色,蔚为壮观,谁人能不发出赞叹之声。  

The Geyser area is filled will geyser, springs, steam, pools, muddy ground, and fumaroles. It is the hottest, most active, and also the most unstable group of geysers in Yellowstone National Park. The hot springs here are constantly changing, new springs appear, and old springs wizened. Different colors in the water show the difference in water temperature. Old Faithful is the most prestigious landscape in Yellowstone Park. It is unlike other fountains that erupt irregularly, this one only takes tens of minutes of break in between, never disappoint the visitors. Its consistent loyalty is loved by the world, which gets itself the good reputation of "Old Faithful". When people come to Yellowstone Park, this is a site they would go to as soon as possible. It does not look any different from others, but once it erupts, it is like a galloping horse. Under the radiance of the sun, the water vapor flashes in magnificent colors. Who would not let out admiration?


The Mammoth Hot Springs area in the northwest is dominated by limestone steps and is the largest proven carbonate deposition hot spring in the world. The Mammoth Hot Springs area is the most active and the oldest geothermal area. Its hot spring clusters are very dense. As a result, a huge lava plateau is formed. On this plateau, the old and new hot springs alternate in the unit of years one after another. From a distance, the piles of golden jade are crystal clear, and the remaining hot springs form very beautiful multicolored steps along the hillside.


The park has habitats for grizzly bears, wolves, American bison, and Canadian red deer. The Yellowstone National Bison herd is the oldest and largest bison herd in the United States. Every morning and dusk, a large number of bison will appear on the section from the main road to the west gate. Tourists who want to get close to animals can enjoy it.


Whether it is winter, spring, summer, or autumn, you can enjoy diverse landscapes in Yellowstone. But because all the facilities, roads, and services in the park are only open from May to October each year, the best time to travel to the park is during that time period, where is full of new surprises!




参展方式 Participation Method:


Professional or amateur photographers and photography lovers are all welcome, no registration fee needed.



Submission Method: Please send the works to the above email address



欢迎收藏作品/ Welcome to Collect Works


整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/Edit & Translate:Cindy & Mary

制作/ Produce:AIPU

AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015  


Welcome to join the membership of  the American International   Photographer Union (AIPU)

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