

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2021-02-04


画家 裴发邦

Painter Pei Fabang


著名画家,青海师大艺术系国画专业毕业。美国国际粉画协会IAPS/MC 大师圈成员,西班牙国家粉画协会ASPAS会员,美国国家粉画协会PSA 签名会员,美国国家水彩画协会国际会员,中国粉画联盟理事,台湾粉画协会评审委员,中国马头琴协会会员,宁波市音乐家协会理事,纽约《世界艺术研究院-油画雕塑院》院士、研究员

2017年在美国接受中国驻美国芝加哥总领事洪磊颁发的中美艺术大使奖。  作品多在美国、法国、英国、西班牙、加拿大和日本等国参加重要国际展览并获奖。

Pei Fabang

A famous painter, majored in Chinese Painting and graduated from Qinghai Normal University. He is a member of IAPS/MC; a member of ASPAS, a signed member of PSA, an international member of American National Watercolor Painting Association, the director of China Pastel Union, a judge member of Taiwan Pastel Association, a member of China Morin Khuur Association, the director of Ningbo Musicians Association, and an academician and researcher of New York "World Research Institute of Art-Oil Painting and Sculpture Academy".

In 2017, he was awarded by Hong Lei, Consul General of China in Chicago, in the United States. A lot of his works participated in important international exhibitions and won prizes in the US, France, UK, Spain, Canada, Japan, and other countries.


作品就是心上的牧歌,深深的长在我的记忆里…… 草原母亲、塔吉克新娘、牧马的汉子、放鹰的猎人,伴随着我走向天边的世界!


Essence of Heart

Works are like the song in the heart, grew deeply in my memories...... Mother Prairie, Tajik Bride, wrangler, hunter of eagles, accompanied me to the world on the horizon.

    ---- Pei Fabang  


Pei Fabang's Works

粉画 人物写生 Pastel Character Portrait 50x35cm

粉画 天边 Pastel Horizon 90x76cm

粉画 绣娘额吉 Pastel Embroidery Eji 80x70cm

粉画 阳光下的猎人 Pastel the Hunter Under the Sun 90x76cm

粉画 阳光下的那拉提草原 Pastel Nalati Grassland Under the Sun 90x76cm

粉画 黑账房前的纳木错 Pastel Nam Co in Front of the Black Accountant 90x76cm

粉画 弹起我的冬不拉 Pastel Playing My Dombira 90x76cm

粉画 坎尔洋的阳光 Pastel the Sunlight of Kanyon 80x70cm

粉画 帕米尔新娘 Pastel Pamir Bride 100x76cm

粉画 帕米尔之春 Pastel the Spring of Pamir 90x76cm

粉画 阿妈的手 Pastel the Hand of Ah'ma 80×70cm

粉画 冰山之母 Pastel Mother of the Ice Mountain 85x70cm

粉画 草原母亲 Pastel Mother Praire 90x76cm

粉画 达其克奶奶 Pastel Daqik Grandma 100x76cm

粉画 在那遥远的地方 Pastel In the Distance Place 90x76cm


参展方式 Participation Method:


Professional or amateur photographers and photography lovers are all welcome, no registration fee needed.



Submission Method: Please send the works to the above email address



欢迎收藏作品/ Welcome to Collect Works

艺术顾问/Art  Consultant  刘树春 Lawrence 

整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/Edit & Translate:Cindy & Mary

制作/ Produce:AIPU

AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015  


Welcome to join the membership of  the American International   Photographer Union (AIPU)

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