

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2021-03-22


摄影师 刘洛生 Photographer Liu Luosheng

刘洛生  中国摄影家协会会员,中国民俗摄影协会会员,河南省摄影家协会会员,洛阳市摄影家协会会员,国家高级摄影师 ,香港中国旅游出版社签约摄影师,作品被选入《中国艺术家优秀书画作品选集》,《中国牡丹大观》,《中国牡丹摄影珍品集》等书籍,多幅作品在省,市,国家,国际摄影比赛中获奖,作品在美国,日本,澳大利亚,香港,马来西亚展出。

Liu Luosheng, member of China Photographers Association, member of China Folklore Photographic Association, member of Henan Photographers Association, and member of Luoyang Photographers Association. He is a national senior photographer, a signed photographer of Hong Kong China Travel Publishing House. His works were selected to "Anthology of Chinese Artists' Excellent Paintings and Calligraphy", "China Peony Grand View", "China Peony Photography Treasure" etc, many of his works won awards in provincial, city-level, national, and international competitions, the works were exhibited in the United States, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia.


Photography Remarks: Photography is a kind of feeling, a kind of sentiment, press the shutter every time with the heart.


Liu Luosheng's Photographic Works


"Charm of the East" Photographed in Longmen Grottoes,  Henan


"Autumn at Longmen" Photographed in Longmen Grottoes,  Henan


"Glow in Morning" Photographed at Laojun Mountain, Henan


"Everything Goes Well" Photographed in Jishanxian, Shanxi


"Rhyme of Morning" Photographed at Baiyun Mountain, Henan


"Yearn" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Sail Out" Photographed in Pingtan Island, Fujian


"Returning From Sea" Photographed in Pingtan Island, Fujian


"Winter Breeze" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Rhyme of Winter" Photographed at Laojun Mountain, Henan


"Love of Winter" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Relation to Buddhism" Photographed in Longmen Grottoes,  Henan


"Enchanting View of the Ancient City" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"New Rhyme of the Ancient City" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Night Market of the Ancient City" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Talk About Longmen" Photographed in Longmen Grottoes,  Henan


"Yellow River, Mother River" Photographed in Xinanxian, Henan


"Auspicious" Photographed in Jishanxian, Shanxi

【家园 】拍摄于福建省平潭岛北港

"Homeland" Photographed in Pingtan Island, Fujian


"The Night in the Old City" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Elderly" Photographed in Songxian, Henan


"Rhyme of Water in Luoyang" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Hope For" Photographed in Luoningxian, Henan


"Millennium Ginkgo Forest" Photographed in Songxian, Henan


"Fairyland in the World" Photographed at Baiyun Mountain, Henan


"God Capital Luoyang" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Smell of the Little Shop" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan


"Time and Space Memory" Photographed in Longmen Grottoes, Henan


"Water Ancient Town" Photographed in Tongxiang, Zhejiang

【水乡夜色 】拍摄于浙江省桐乡

"Night View of Watertown" Photographed in Tongxiang, Zhejiang


"Sky Road" Photographed at Laojun Mountain, Henan


"Angel" Photographed in Luoyang, Henan



欢迎收藏我们推荐的作品/ Welcome to Collect Works

整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/Celine & Louis

审核/ Cindy & Mary

制作/ Produce:AIPU

AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015  


Welcome to join the membership of  the American International   Photographer Union (AIPU)

推荐阅读《普通人》——摄影师夏尚志作品 新上海画派陈鹤良书画作品 闻雪的影像——摄影师杨芝文作品 

