

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2021-03-22


摄影师 曾卫民 Photographer Zeng Weimin

曾卫民,重庆梁平区人,现为国际摄影家联盟会员,亚洲’’一带一路’’摄影大联盟理事、硕学会士,中国摄影家协会会员、中国文化旅游摄影协会会士、中国摄影著作权协会会员,重庆市摄影家协会高级会员,先后荣获重庆市十佳优秀摄影家、首届全国百名优秀摄影师、戛纳国际摄影节达盖尔金像奖、第二届HK国际摄影十杰、第三届大中华’’金华表’’摄影奖、华艺杯中国百强摄影家 、''行走世界''十杰摄影师大奖赛双十杰、第八届中华艺术金马奖、辛丑年华夏摄影金牛奖。

Zeng Weimin is from Liangping, Chongqing, he is currently a member of the International Photographers Union, director and associateship of Asia "One Belt One Road" Photography Alliance, a member of China Photographers Association, a member of China Culture & Tourism Photography Association, a member of Images Copyright Society of China, a senior member of Chongqing Photographers Association. He successively won Chongqing's Top Ten Outstanding Photographers, the First National Hundred Outstanding Photographers, the Cannes International Photography Festival Daguerre Award, the second HK International Photography Top Ten, the third Greater China ``Golden Huabiao'' Photography Award, Huayi Cup China's Top 100 Photographers, "Walking the World" Top 10 Photographers Grand Prix Double Ten, the 8th Chinese Art Golden Horse Award, Xin Chou Nian Chinese Photography Golden Bull Award.

曾卫民作品 Zeng Weimin's Works

彩练舞峡江 拍于重庆奉节

"Ribbon Dance in Xiajiang River" Photographed in Fengjie, Chongqing

编织梦想 拍于重庆梁平区

"Weaving Dream" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

草把龙舞起来 拍于重庆梁平区

"Wave the Grass Made Dragon" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

禅钟魅影 拍于重庆梁平区

"Zen Bell Phantom" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

斗牛-出击 拍于贵州从江县

"Bull Fight-Strike Out" Photographed in Congjiang, Guizhou

光绘文峰塔 拍于中国第二高石塔--重庆梁平区文峰塔

"Light Depicts Wenfeng Tower" Photographed at the second-highest stone tower in China -- Liangping, Chongqing

夕照红岩坝 拍于重庆梁平区

"Sunset at Hongyanba" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

古村圆舞曲 拍于江西婺源县

"Waltz of the Ancient Village" Photographed in Wuyuan, Jiangxi

秋色 拍于内蒙古坝上

"Autumn View" Photographed in Bashang, Inner Mongolia

网事 拍于福建霞浦

"Net" Photographed in Xiapu, Fujian

丰收的喜悦 拍于重庆梁平区

"Happiness of Harvest" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

走过彩田 拍于重庆梁平区

"Across the Colorful Field" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

出海 拍于福建霞浦

"Sail Out" Photographed in Xiapu, Fujian

西域 “城堡” 拍于甘肃张掖

"'Castle' in the West" Photographed in Zhangye, Gansu

一米阳光照藏寨 拍于四川丹巴县

"A Stream of Sunlight Brightens the Tibetan Village" Photographed in Danba, Sichuan

星空心路 拍于重庆梁平区

"Starry Sky, Spiritual Path" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

竹海天池水连天 拍于重庆梁平区

"Pond in Bamboo Forest Connects the Sky" Photographed in Liangping, Chongqing

川西秋色 拍于四川康定市新都桥

"Autumn at Western Sichuan" Photographed in Kangding, Sichuan

红云大地 拍于云南红河县

"Red Cloud and Land" Photographed in Honghe, Yunnan

回娘家 拍于贵州从江县

"Visiting Parental Home" Photographed in Congjiang, Guizhou



欢迎收藏我们推荐的作品/ Welcome to Collect Works

整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/Celine & Louis

审核/ Cindy & Mary

制作/ Produce:AIPU

AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015  


Welcome to join the membership of  the American International   Photographer Union (AIPU)

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