
双语说节气 | 大寒




历史渊源 · Historical Origin


Great Cold is the last one in the 24 solar terms. When Great Cold arrives, a new cycle of solar terms begins. This is the cold period of the year in most areas of China as cold waves move southward frequently, causing snowing and cooling. The long- term meteorological records of China show that it won’t be more cold in northern China while Great Cold is the coldest period in the year to most parts of southern China.


In ancient time, people divided Great Cold into three parts —— The first one was that the chicken started to feed offspring. The second one was that fierce birds started to hunt for the winter. The last one was that even the centre of the lake freezes. The whole surface of the icy lake was solid which proves it was very cold those days.

农事活动 · Farming Activities


During the Great Cold the whether is cold and dry. The plants stop to grow up and are dried-up. Please pay attention to the safety of outdoor fires and home heating, watch out breaking out of fire.

大寒饮食 · Diet of Great Cold



On an extremely cold day in the traditional solar term, Guangdong folk form the custom of eating glutinous rice.


Nowadays in Guangdong, there are more scenes you can common to see: before the Great Cold comes, every household boils a pot of fragrant  glutinous rice and stirs it with wax flavor, dried shrimp,  squid, mushrooms and so on in order to welcome the coldest day of the traditional solar term.


Glutinous rice is sweet, warm and it will has the effect of protecting from cold and nourishing.



Great Cold season is already around the fourth ninth day of the lunar calendar, and there is an old saying: "One Jiu one chicken."


The custom is still respected by many urban families, Nanjing people choose mostly old hens, simply stew, or with ginseng whiskers, wolfberries, black fungus to stew. It has to be said, it is really a pleasure to have chicken soup in the cold winter.

起居养生 · Keep Health


In the Great Cold, here are "three treasure tips against cold": first, running more that enhance physical fitness in order to better fight with the cold; second, putting on more clothes to strong the "armor", so that it can withstand the cold; third, pay attention to the diet and ensure  an adequate supply of heat.


Hope you have a happy winter.

- END -

主审 | 冉玲濛

主编 | 孙倩倩

    图片 | 国际学院 

    文字 | 国际学院 

编辑 | 张雨萱


