



In March, a class of students from the International Education School welcomed the newly arrived semester with a special theme activity. Students went to the Great unity Ethnic Culture Creation Center and learned about the production of Tile Cat (“Tile Mao”), an unique earthen architecture component in Yunnan. The International Education School aimed to provide students with an opportunity of experiencing the charm of traditional cultures. 

Tile cat visit


The "Tile Mao," also known as the "Shockwave Tiger," "Kangji Tiger," and ",Xiang Jihu" is a special feature found in traditional architecture in Dali Yunnan. It is a cat-like figure that evolved from the image of a tiger, reflecting the reverence for tigers among certain ethnic minorities in Yunnan. Positioned on the roof ridge, the Tile Cat's connected mouth and tail produce a whistling sound resembling a tiger when the wind blows. "Tile Mao" has become a symbol of local culture, reflecting the region's unique cultural significance.Today, the Tile Cat is appreciated as a form of handicraft.


Tile cat


Let’s look at how students produce a Tile Cat. First, students pull the mixed mud out of the bottle-shaped jar for the body of the tile cat and the spherical jar for the head on the roulette wheel.


Students created Tile Cats with a variety of expressions. Some students carved their best wishes of being admitted by a university abroad onto the body of a Tile Cat, while others made some dramatic teeth for a "Tile Mao".


After connecting a Tile Cat's body and head, students made the five sense organs and glued them to the head. Making a Tile Cat finishes after being glazed and fired at a high temperature.


The theme activity allowed students to experience the allure of traditional culture in Yunnan, fostering their enthusiasm to learn more about Chinese cultures. We have confidence that students at the International Education School will demonstrate their patriotism and global perspectives as they promote the depth and breadth of Chinese traditional cultures in the future.


文字 | 陈柏晓,陈涵煜(外语社)

编辑 | 陈涵煜(外语社)

一审 | 吕子豪

二审 |刘碧雯

终审 | 冉玲濛


