新研究发现社交媒体上充满偏见,图片来自dailynorthwestern.com / Catherine Buchaniec
撰写 | 李 爽
责编 | 叶水送
6月12日,来自新西兰梅西大学的 Stephen Croucher 等人在《前沿》(Frontiers)论文平台上发表了一篇文章:Prejudice Toward Asian Americans in the Covid-19 Pandemic:The Effects of Social Media Use in the United States,这篇论文主要研究了新冠肺炎疫情期间社交媒体的使用与对华裔美国人(尤其是中国人)偏见之间的关系。
李爽,中国科学技术大学科技传播系研究生,兴趣是科学传播与社交媒体研究。”[1] Stephan, W. G., and Stephan, C. W. (1996). Predicting prejudice. Int. J. Intercult. Relat. 20, 409–426. doi: 10.1016/0147-1767(96)00026-0
[2] Croucher, S. M. (2013). Integrated threat theory and acceptance of immigrant assimilation: an analysis of muslim immigration in Western Europe. Commun. Monogr. 80, 46–62. doi: 10.1080/03637751.2012.739704
[3] Stephan, W. G., and Stephan, C. W. (2000). “An integrated threat theory of prejudice,” in Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination, ed S. Oskamp (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum), 225–246.
[4] Gries, P. H., and Crowson, H. M. (2010). Political orientation, party affiliation, and American attitudes towards China. J. Chin. Political Sci. 15, 219–244. doi: 10.1007/s11366-010-9115-1
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