
区块链及数字货币发展现状与展望 (第一系列)



Infrastructure ecosystems, Defi, NFT, and GameFi has led the Blockchain industry through rounds to exponential growth. Blockchain over the years has grown much more diverse and dynamic from Santoshi’s Bitcoin vision since 2009. We are excited to have invited a group panelist from various verticals within blockchain to share their perspectives and insights


Wayne Ye is an angel investor, portfolio manager, entrepreneur and Ph.D. in Particle Physics. Dr. Ye has extensive experience in quantitative research, trading and venture capital investing ofglobal stocks and digital currencies. He conducted research and portfolio management in multiple renowned funds including Millennium Partners, and iscurrently heading the investment and recruitment efforts for his firm.


Rocio is a serial entrepreneur, who alsoserved as senior investment director of New Bloc, Chief Strategic Officer of ETC Asia Pacific and Vice President of BigONE exchange. She has many years of entrepreneurial experience with a specialty in building projects from 0 to 1,team management, fund-raising, investment, and business negotiation.


Vicky毕业于加拿大Ivey BusinessSchool,本科市场运营,研究生国际贸易。Gamefi区块链项目运营总监,aWSB湾区club合伙人,Gamfi及Metaverse深度研究员。


Sai Ma is an entrepreneur at PlanckX, a Singapore-based gaming NFT platform at seedround. Entering the crypto world only half a year ago, he is now strongly convinced that cryptocurrency and decentralised applications are the future. Sai has an MBA from the University of Oxford and is working towards another master in Computer Science. He is interested in how business and technology canwork together to shape the world and everyone's life.






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