// 注释 //
1. 电子显微镜下成熟的 HTLV-1 病毒颗粒
2. 电子显微镜下成熟的 HIV 病毒颗粒,可以看出它和 HTLV 的外观和结构明显不同
3. HIV 病毒的结构示意图
[1] A timelineof HIV/AIDS https://www.aids.gov/
[2] Theday they discovered the AIDS virus, Geoffrey Cowley,http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/the-day-they-discovered-the-aids-virus
[3] Whodiscovered HIV: Gallo, Montagnier or both? Lisa Rainey,http://www.dallasvoice.com/who-discovered-hiv-gallo-montagnier-or-both-1021402.html
[4] TheDiscovery of HIV- A Tale of Two Scientists, Elizabeth Ohneck, http://www.myscizzle.com/blog/hiv-discovery-controversy/
[5] TheDiscovery of HIV as the Cause of AIDS, Robert C. Gallo, and Luc Montagnier, N.Engl. J. Med 2003; 349:2283-2285
[6] Ahistorical reflection on the discovery of human retroviruses, Anders Vahlne,Retrovirology. 2009; 6: 40.
[7] Analysis of Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Particles by Using Cryo-ElectronTomography, Sheng Cao, etc. Virol 89:2430 –2435.
[8] FineStructure of HIV and SIV, Hans R. Gelderblom, https://www.hiv.lanl.gov