

泰国求职招聘 泰国求职招聘 2022-11-01



【工作地址】11/75, 22fl, P.S tower, asok. Bangkok 





  2 yrs above e-commerce experience or relative sales experience.

  2. 负责处理Lazada. Shopee.JDCentral的平台关系维护,

  In charge of e-commerce platform and social platform (Facebook. Instagram). The development of the key sellers of the platform and old customers' relationship maintenance

 3. 负责寻找在电商平台和社交平台(Facebook.instagram)的卖家拓展和商务等新客户拓展及老客户关系维护,和实施人员一起,负责客户的签约并协助部署和上线。

Together with the delivery manager. Be responsible for the commercial and deployment of the customers and turn key to make it online.

4. 泰国销售(中文/英语掌握其一). 中国销售(泰语)

 Thai sales (Either English or Chinese), Chinese sales (Thai speaking)



JST was established in 2014, the core managing team are from alibaba, amazon,Mbaobao, at the beginning of the foundation of JST, it cut through to the market in e-commerce SaaS and took the leader position rapidly. JST has became a coordinated platform nowadays and provide over 100K+ key sellers all over the country with full information solving plans with daily order handling 15M+, In 2019 Double 11 daily order 250M+, the market share is over 30%+ in China. In 2020, the globalization is kicking off in order to build up the biggest SaaS ERP collaborate platform. The e-commerce software serves as the global crossing-border and local e-commerce, wish to be with you to move forward. The Thailand branch is starting from 2019 and applying the BOI. Now sincerely taking you on board.




【泰国尖竹汶府】durian land招聘:财务总监(30000-50000泰铢)
【曼谷邦纳】Ohans Group招聘:招聘翻译兼后勤(3万泰铢,根据公司盈利可以提供奖金)
【曼谷BT】北京有路前行科技招聘:交易经理/客服专员(无责底薪 4000~ 7000 人民币)
【泰国巴真府】Chow Steel lndustries Public Company招聘:中泰翻译(30000泰铢起)
【曼谷拉玛2】泰国BOT建设集团招聘:财务(25000-35000泰铢 包吃住,包签证)

