

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零九期,将介绍Urban Studies current issue的2篇论文以及Urban Studies online first的3篇论文。主题涵盖城市遗产和儿童的地方感,城市氛围,德国的环境正义与不平等,城市中心的未来,中国的农村移民与社会保险参与,欢迎阅读。


‘It’s part of our community, where we live’: Urban heritage and children’s sense of place    


Lucy Grimshaw(英国诺桑比亚大学)Lewis Mates(英国杜伦大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/10|研究论文

The literature on a ‘sense of place’ often sidelines the voices of children. Consequently, little is known about how children can be encouraged to develop a sense of place. This matters because a sense of place involves feelings of belonging and attachment, and can contribute to children’s wellbeing and identity. Informed by the research of Bartos and Severcan, we deploy data from a qualitative research project in a primary school in a former coalfield area in the north-east of England to argue that children’s experiences of learning about their urban local history and heritage can help to develop their sense of place. Placing children’s voices centrally in our research, we explore how they engage with learning about local mining history, and the impact of place-based pedagogy. Emphasising the possibilities and importance of their deep involvement with their urban heritage, we show, firstly, the ways in which children’s sense of place is strengthened when they develop a feeling of ownership over their own history. Secondly, we explore how children develop a sense of place through engaging their emotions and physicality, and, thirdly, their senses. We conclude that learning about local history through place-based pedagogy allows children to create and interpret historical events and develop a sense of place. Taking ownership of their history makes the children active participants in telling the story of their place. Children can then develop new ways of seeing themselves in places, as they make connections between the past, present and future.

摘要关于“地方意识”的文献常常忽略儿童的声音。因此,关于如何鼓励儿童发展地方意识,我们所知甚少。然而这又很重要,因为地方意识包括归属感和依恋感,有助于儿童的身心健康和身份认同。借鉴巴托斯和塞弗坎 (Bartos and Severcan) 的研究,我们利用针对英格兰东北部前煤田地区一所小学的一个定性研究项目的数据,证明学习本地城市历史和文化遗产的经历有助于儿童发展自己的地方意识。我们的研究将儿童的声音放在中心位置,探索儿童如何学习当地采矿历史,以及基于地方的教学法的影响。我们强调儿童深入了解城市文化遗产的可能性和重要性,并藉此证明了几点。首先,我们证明当儿童对自己城市的历史产生主人翁意识时,他们的地方意识将得到加强。其次,我们探索儿童如何通过情感、身体和感官的投入来发展地方意识。我们的结论是,通过基于地方的教学法来学习当地历史,孩子们能对历史事件身临其境并加以解释,从而培养地方意识。当孩子们对自己城市的历史产生了主人翁意识,他们将积极参与讲述属于他们自己的地方的故事。当孩子们在过去、现在和未来之间建立联系时,他们可以发展新的自我意识。
Keywords children, emotions and senses, sense of place, urban heritage

关键词儿童, 情感和感官, 地方意识, 城市文化遗产


Choreographing atmospheres in Copenhagen: Processes and positions between home and public


Mikkel Bille(丹麦罗斯基勒大学)Bettina Hauge(丹麦科技大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/10|研究论文

This article explores how people choreograph spaces to feel particular ways through material objects and intangible phenomena like light and sound. Drawing on theories of atmospheres and ethnographic fieldwork in Copenhagen, we argue that while there has been a proliferation of research on atmospheres in urban studies, we also need to attend empirically to the processes through which they come into being, consolidate and coagulate. Through exploring the interplay between domestic and urban spaces, we highlight the volatility and inherently social character of atmospheres. This entails how people’s dynamic positioning within an urban atmosphere comes to matter for people’s sense of the city. We exemplify with one such sensation of the city through the concept of ‘midding’, as the feeling of comfortably being on the perimeter of a situation. Exploring atmospheric positionings and processes enlightens our understanding of the urban atmosphere and shows how shared atmospheric moments connect people in time and space, stressing the importance of urban design to allow for such sharing.

摘要 本文探讨人们如何通过有形的物体和无形的现象(如光和声音)编排空间,从而产生某种特定的感受。根据氛围理论和在哥本哈根开展的人类学实地调查,我们认为,虽然城市研究中对氛围的研究越来越多,但我们也需要从经验上关注氛围形成、巩固和凝结的过程。通过探索家庭和城市空间之间的相互作用,我们强调氛围的波动性和固有的社会性。这意味着人们在城市氛围中的动态定位对人们的城市感受至关重要。我们通过“隐身 (Midding)”的概念来举例说明这种城市感受,隐身即舒适地处于一种情境的边缘地带。探索氛围的定位和过程能启发我们对城市氛围的理解,并表明共享的氛围时刻能使人们在时间和空间上产生连接,从而强调了通过城市设计实现这种共享的重要性。
Keywords atmosphere, Denmark, light, midding, public spaces
关键词 氛围, 丹麦, 光线, 隐身, 公共空间
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211022966


Land use disadvantages in Germany: A matter of ethnic income inequalities?     


Stefan Jünger(德国曼海姆莱布尼茨社会科学研究所)首次出版时间:2021/7/10|研究论文

AbstractEnvironmental hazards affect people from different income groups and migration backgrounds on different levels. The research on environmental inequalities and environmental justice has proposed several theories to explain such inequities; still, it remains unclear which of these theories applies to the German societal context. This research investigates whether individual-level income differences between Germans and migrants account for objectively measured exposure to the environmental goods and bads of land use, specifically soil sealing and green spaces. Marginal effects and predictions based on georeferenced survey data from the German General Social Survey reveal that Germans with higher incomes live in areas with better neighbourhood quality. Germans with lower incomes are exposed to fewer disadvantages stemming from land use, and there is no marginal difference between nonurban and urban municipalities. Spatial assimilation in high-income groups occurs; however, the difference in low-income groups can be explained by place stratification and discrimination in the housing market. While this study uses more indirect and non-hazardous measures of environmental quality – in contrast to air pollution or noise – it provides evidence that such indicators also create distributional injustices in Germany.
摘要 环境危害在不同程度上影响不同收入群体和移民背景的人。关于环境不平等和环境正义的研究提出了几种理论来解释这种不平等;然而,尚不清楚这些理论中的哪一个适用于德国的社会背景。本研究调查了德国人和移民之间的个人收入水平差异是否能解释通过客观测量标准得出的、个人所承受的土地利用(特别是土壤密封和城市绿地建设)所带来的好处与坏处的影响。基于德国社会普查地理参考调查数据的边际效应和预测显示,收入较高的德国人生活在街区质量较好的地区。收入较低的德国人所承受的、因土地利用而造成的坏处较少,非城市和城市之间没有边际差异。高收入群体出现了空间同化;然而,低收入群体的差异可以用住房市场中的地方分层和歧视来解释。虽然本研究使用了更多间接且无害的环境质量指标(而不是空气污染或噪音之类),但我们提供了证据,表明这些指标也造成了德国的分配不公。
Keywords environmental inequalities, georeferenced survey data, GIS, land use, urbanisation
环境不平等, 地理参考调查数据, 地理信息系统 (GIS), 土地利用, 城市化
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211023206


The future of the city centre: Urbanisation, transformation and resilience – a tale of two Newcastle cities                      


Robert J Rogerson(英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学)Bob Giddings(英国诺桑比亚大学)首次出版时间:2020/7/29|研究论文


Recent debates over the content and theoretical orientation of urban studies act as a strong reminder that the nature and existence of the city as a form of spatial urban agglomeration is changing. They have acted positively as a heuristic to inspire critical analysis of urbanisation and helped to illuminate the considerable empirical variation over time and space in urban agglomeration forms. However, in shifting the focus onto the planetary reach of urbanisation, such debates risk deflecting attention away from the city core at a time when it too is being subjected to transformation. The city centre has been taken for granted as critical attention has been given to the impact of development and enterprise in extending the city outwards. The recent proliferation of public and policy interest in the future of the city centre as the archetypal expression of urban agglomeration has not been matched by similar growth in academic and theoretical accounts of its transformation. Drawing on the examples of two city centres, and placing them in the context of the recent debates of urban agglomeration theory, this article seeks to initiate deeper analysis and dialogue about the future of the urban core, including how it is being articulated and by whom. It argues for a greater analytic understanding of the ways in which the city centre as a physical and emotional entity has been so resilient, and advocates for stronger engagement with initiatives seeking to reactivate the city centre as a crucial epicentre of urban agglomeration.

Keywordsplanning, policy, redevelopment, regeneration, theory, urban studies
关键词规划, 政策, 再开发, 更新, 理论, 城市研究



Welfare migration or migrant selection? Social insurance participation and rural migrants’ intentions to seek permanent urban settlement in China


Shenghua Xie(华中师范大学)Juan Chen(香港理工大学)Veli-Matti Ritakallio(芬兰图尔库大学)Xiangming Leng(华中师范大学)首次出版时间:2020/7/22|研究论文
AbstractThe welfare system can be a crucial factor in the urban settlement of rural migrants, but its effects are difficult to determine because to do so one must distinguish the effect of welfare entitlement from the effect of ‘migrant selectivity bias’, which widely exists in cities in developing countries. Using survey data from 15 Chinese cities, this study examines the ways in which social insurance – the most critical social welfare package in China – affects rural migrants’ urban-settlement intentions. The results show that there is a ‘migrant selectivity bias’ in Chinese cities, that is, rural migrants who are better off socio-economically are more inclined to participate in social insurance and are more inclined to pursue permanent urban settlement. Meanwhile, social insurance participation is significantly and positively related to rural migrants’ urban-settlement intentions, and this positive relation remains even after we discount the effect of ‘migrant selectivity bias’ in the analysis. We argue that, for rural migrants in China, the effect of social insurance participation on urban settlement intentions closely resembles that experienced by those who move to migration-managed regimes. We conclude that the Chinese government should establish a more inclusive social welfare system to enable rural migrants to permanently settle in cities.
Keywordsmigrant selectivity bias, rural migrant, social insurance, urban settlement intention, welfare migration
关键词移民选择性偏见, 农村移民, 社会保险, 城市定居意愿, 福利移民



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