

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百一十期,将介绍Urban Studies online first的5篇论文。主题涵盖迈向后新冠疫情的经济活动地理学,垃圾作为城市排斥的一种方式,英国姓氏、城市规模分布和住宅差异,城市文化实践和粗糙的社会性,选择性移民与主观幸福感的城乡差异,欢迎阅读。


Towards a post-COVID geography of economic activity: Using probability spaces to decipher Montreal’s changing workscapes    


Richard Shearmur(加拿大麦吉尔大学)Priscilla Ananian(加拿大魁北克大学)Ugo Lachapelle (加拿大魁北克大学)等七位作者首次出版时间:2021/7/16|研究论文

In March 2020, many workers were suddenly forced to work from home. This brought into stark relief the fact that urban economic activity is no longer attached to specific workplaces. This detachment has been analysed in research on organisations and workers, but has not yet been incorporated into concepts used to document and plan the economic geography of cities. In this article, three questions are explored by way of an original survey: first, how can a shift in the location of economic activity be measured at the urban scale whilst incorporating the idea that work is not attached to a single location? Second, what is the nature of the shift that occurred in March 2020? Third, what does this tell us about concepts that have underpinned the study of urban economic form by geographers and planners? Applying concepts developed in organisation studies and sociology, we operationalise the idea that economic activity happens across multiple spaces: it occurs within a probability space, and since March 2020 it has shifted within this space. To better understand and interpret the longer-term impact of this shift on cities – downtowns in particular – we draw upon interviews with people working from home.

Keywords agglomeration, economic processes, effects of COVID, employment, job location, labour, urbanisation

关键词集聚, 经济过程, 新冠肺炎 (COVID) 影响, 就业, 工作地点, 劳动力, 城市化


‘Your daily reality is rubbish’: Waste as a means of urban exclusion in the suspended spaces of East Jerusalem


Hanna Baumann(英国伦敦大学学院)Manal Massalha(独立研究员)首次出版时间:2021/7/16|研究论文

Drawing on ethnographic and visual research, this article examines the role of waste in two areas of occupied East Jerusalem cut off from the city by the Separation Wall and military checkpoints, Kufr Aqab and Shuafat Refugee Camp as well as their immediate surroundings. In asking how urban exclusion operates on the margins of the city, we argue that rubbish can disclose broader socio-spatial relations at work in Jerusalem from the ground up. We find that waste serves to reduce the ambiguity at work in these interstitial zones by furthering exclusion – it operates through the urban everyday where the legal and political situations are in suspension. Conceptually, we contribute to the discussion on spatial stigma associated with infrastructural violence by arguing for a multi-layered understanding of the way waste ‘works’ in urban exclusion. Three registers mutually constitute each other in this process: the materiality of waste with its embodied and affective interactions, the symbolic and discursive violence associated with waste, as well as spatialised stigma and bordering processes.

摘要 本文基于人类学和视觉研究,探讨被占领的东耶路撒冷的两个地区的垃圾所发挥的作用。这两个地区即卡夫阿卡卜 (Kafr Aqab) 和苏阿费特 (Shuafat) 难民营及其周边地区,由于隔离墙和军事检查站,它们被从城市的其他部分隔离开来。我们探究城市排斥在城市边缘是如何运作的,并认为垃圾可以从根本上揭示耶路撒冷更广泛的社会空间关系。我们发现,垃圾加剧了排斥,从而减少了这些间隙区域的模糊性,它在这些法制和政治不稳定的地区的日常生活中发挥着作用。从概念上来说,我们主张从多层面理解城市排斥中垃圾发生的“作用”,从而为与基础设施暴力相关的空间污名讨论做出贡献。在这个过程中,三个语域相互构成:垃圾的物质性及其具体化的、情感的相互作用,与垃圾相关的象征性话语暴力,以及空间化的污名和边缘过程。
Keywords exclusion, infrastructure, Jerusalem, stigma, waste
关键词 排斥, 基础设施, 耶路撒冷, 污名, 垃圾
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211018642


Family names, city size distributions and residential differentiation in Great Britain, 1881–1901     


Tian Lan(英国伦敦大学学院)Justin van Dijk (英国伦敦大学学院)Paul Longley (英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/7/19|研究论文

AbstractCities have specialised in particular urban functions throughout history, with consequential implications for urban and regional patterns of economic and social change. This specialisation takes place within overall national city size distributions and is manifest in different but often similarly variegated residential structures. Here we develop a novel and consistent methodological approach for measuring macro-scale city size and micro-scale residential differentiation using individual digital census records for the period 1881–1901. The use of family names and neighbourhood classification of dominant economic and social roles makes it possible to relate the changing city size distribution in Great Britain to patterns of urban growth and residential differentiation within urban areas. Together, we provide an integrated and consistent methodology that links the classification of all major urban area growth in Great Britain to attendant intra-urban geodemographic changes in urban residential structures. We suggest ways in which this manifests social and economic change across the settlement system for both new and long-established residents.
摘要 在历史上,城市一直专注于特定的城市功能,这对城市和区域的经济和社会变革规律产生了深远的影响。这种专业化发生在整个国家层面的城市规模分布中,并表现在不同的、但往往相似的多样化居住结构中。在本文中,我们开发了一种新颖且一致的方法,使用1881-1901年期间的个人数字人口普查记录来衡量宏观尺度上的城市规模和微观尺度上的住宅差异。姓氏的使用和以主要经济和社会角色为标准的街区分类,使我们有可能将英国不断变化的城市规模分布与城市增长规律及城市地区之间的居住差异联系起。我们共同提供了一个全面、一致的方法,将英国所有主要城市区域增长的分类与伴随此等分类的城市住宅结构的城市内部地理变化联系起来。我们表明,在整个定居系统中(既包括新居民,又包括老居民),这如何显明了社会和经济的变化。
Keywords city size distribution, city systems, family name analysis, geodemographics, Great Britain, historical censuses
城市规模分布, 城市系统, 姓氏分析, 区域人口统计特征, 英国, 历史人口普查

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211025721


Cultural practices and rough sociality in Mexico’s midsize cities: Tijuana, Puebla and Monterrey                      


Leandro Rodriguez-Medina(墨西哥美洲大学)María Emilia Ismael Simental(墨西哥普埃布拉功勋自治大学)Alberto Javier López Cuenca (墨西哥普埃布拉功勋自治大学)Anne Kristiina Kurjenoja (墨西哥美洲大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/19|研究论文


It is frequently claimed that cultural agents are necessary to sustain and strengthen the social fabric, to guarantee economic growth and social development and to consolidate knowledge economies based on innovation. These arguments tend to avoid inquiring what kind of sociality these cultural actors are enacting. To address this point, we researched three Mexican midsize cities: Puebla, Tijuana, and Monterrey, between 1984 and 2017. Sociality produced by cultural dynamics, sponsored either by the public (cultural policy) or the private sector (cultural market), is generally characterised by a focus on social order, the construction of local identity, a hygienic view of public space and disempowerment of local actors. Differing from these views, our research has found a new form of sociality that we call ‘rough sociality’, produced by cultural agents from civil society. This sociality is conflictive, ephemeral, spatially bounded and affective, which has implications not only for the cultural work but, most importantly, for the social relations and the being/doing-togetherness that such work may enact and reproduce.

摘要人们经常声称,文化因素对于维持和加强社会结构、保障经济增长和社会发展以及巩固基于创新的知识经济而言是必要的。这些论点倾向于避免追问:这些文化行为者产生了怎样的社会性。为了解决这个问题,我们研究了1984年至2017年期间以下三个墨西哥中型城市的情况:普埃布拉 (Puebla)、蒂华纳 (Tijuana) 和蒙特雷 (Monterrey)。由公共部门(文化政策)或私营部门(文化市场)推动的文化动力所产生的社会性,通常以关注社会秩序、构建地方认同、公共空间的卫生观和地方行为者的权力被剥夺为特征。与这些观点不同,我们的研究发现了一种新的社会性形式,我们称之为“粗糙的社会性”,其由来自公民社会的文化代理人产生。这种社会性是冲突的、短暂的、空间受限的和情感的,它不仅对文化工作有影响,而且最重要的是,对社会关系和这种工作可能产生和复制的身份/行为共同性有影响。
Keywordsculture/arts/creativity, displacement/gentrification, infrastructure, Mexico, sociality
关键词文化/艺术/创意, 驱逐/绅士化, 基础设施, 墨西哥, 社会性



Selective migration and urban–rural differences in subjective well-being: Evidence from the United Kingdom


Marloes Hoogerbrugge(荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学)Martijn Burger(荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学,荷兰开放大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/19|研究论文
AbstractAlthough more and more people choose to live in (large) cities, people in the Western world generally report lower levels of subjective well-being in urban areas than in rural areas. This article examines whether these urban–rural differences in subjective well-being are (partly) driven by selective migration patterns. To this end, we utilise residential mobility data from the United Kingdom based on 12 waves of the British Household Panel Survey. We explore urban–rural differences in life satisfaction as well as changes in life satisfaction of people moving from rural areas to urban areas (or vice versa), hereby paying specific attention to selection and composition effects. The results show that selective migration can, at least partly, explain the urban–rural subjective well-being differential through the selection of less satisfied people in cities and more satisfied people in the countryside. While the average life satisfaction of urban–rural migrants is higher compared to the life satisfaction of rural–urban migrants, we do not find – on average – long-lasting life satisfaction effects of migration. At the same time, there are differences between sociodemographic groups in that we find that a move from the countryside to the city is positively associated with the life satisfaction of students while it is negatively associated with the life satisfaction of people with a non-tertiary education.
Keywordsmigration, subjective well-being, urbanisation, urban–rural differences
关键词移民, 主观幸福感, 城市化, 城乡差异



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