

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百一十一期,将介绍Urban Studies current issue的2篇论文以及Urban Studies online first的3篇论文。主题涵盖阿姆斯特丹和汉堡城市发展参与过程中的合同关系,住房投资者的行为如何影响城市间的溢出效应,住房与抵押贷款对澳大利亚劳动者推迟退休的影响,从概率空间的角度理解工作场所流动性与城市经济地理的关系,欧洲城市工作时空模式中的性别差异,欢迎阅读。


Private ordering of public processes: How contracts structure participatory processes in urban development in Amsterdam and Hamburg   


Everardus Wilhelmus (Michiel) Stapper(荷兰蒂尔堡大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/24|研究论文

The use of contracts to achieve public goals has been gaining traction since the 1980s. In this article, I investigate the implications of the increased use of private law instruments for participatory democracy. This study starts with problematising the notion of contracts and proposes a conceptual model to study contractual relations in participatory processes. Next, through a detailed description of two case studies in Amsterdam and Hamburg, I show the consequences of contractual governance for participatory democracy in urban development. Namely, the interests of commercial parties and government agencies are incorporated in contracts, whereas the interests of residents are incorporated in non-legal agreements.

This has four implications for our understanding of participatory democracy and urban politics. First, the arena of public decision making has shifted from public meetings to contractual negotiations. Second, contracts are not set in stone. Mobilisation by residents can influence, adjust and politicise agreements. However, third, residents need to be able to mobilise and negotiate. This creates new boundaries between residents who are able to make deals and those who are excluded. Lastly, investigating how contracts transform urban politics should take a broad view on how contractual relations are formed and focus on both non-legal and contractual agreements.

Keywords community, contracts, development, governance, participation, planning, politics

关键词社区, 合同, 发展, 治理, 参与, 规划, 政治


Asymmetric housing information diffusions in China: An investor perspective


Shu-hen Chiang(台湾中原大学)Eddie C.M. Hui(香港理工大学)Chien-Fu Chen(台湾国立东华大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/24|研究论文

Over the past few decades, numerous attempts have been made to examine ripple effects using housing prices. What seems to be lacking, however, is a return to investor behaviour in terms of how it inspires inter-city spillovers. We thus propose the price-to-rent (P/R) ratio as a quantitative anchor in regard to how investor sentiment affects future housing values. By utilising a time-varying spillover approach based on monthly housing prices and rents across first-tier cities in China, it becomes clear that the characteristics of investment-driven diffusions are short-lived and more sensitive to economic policy changes in 2014 (the new normal initiative) and 2018 (strict housing control measures). Finally, in addition to good and bad perspectives, there is asymmetric evidence to show that negative outlooks such as a great fear of loss generally play a dominant role in the information transmission process, while a strong repercussion of good news in 2019 has subsequently been dampened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

摘要 在过去的几十年里,人们多次尝试用房价检验连锁反应。然而,似乎缺少的是向投资者行为的回归,即投资者行为如何激发城市间溢出效应。因此,我们建议将房价租金比 (P/R) 作为投资者情绪将如何影响未来房价的量化依据。利用基于中国一线城市月房价和租金的时变溢出方法,我们发现很明显的一点是,投资驱动扩散的特征是短暂的,并且对2014年(新常态倡议)和2018年(严格的住房控制措施)的经济政策变化更加敏感。最后,除了好消息的和坏消息的区分之外,不对称的证据表明,负面预期(如对损失的巨大恐惧)通常在信息传递过程中发挥主导作用,而2019年好消息的强烈反响随后被新冠肺炎疫情所抑制。
Keywords asymmetric effects, COVID-19, housing information diffusions, investor sentiment, price-to-rent ratio, time-varying estimation
关键词 不对称效应, 新冠肺炎, 住房信息扩散, 投资者情绪, 房价租金比, 时变估计
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211026555


Housing wealth, mortgages and Australians’ labour force participation in later life     


Rachel Ong(澳大利亚科廷大学)Gavin A Wood (澳大利亚墨尔本皇家理工大学)Melek Cigdem (澳大利亚墨尔本皇家理工大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/24|研究论文

AbstractIn the life cycle model of consumption and saving, homeownership is an important vehicle for horizontal redistribution. Households accumulate wealth in owner-occupied housing during working lives before benefiting from imputed rent streams in retirement. But in some countries housing wealth’s welfare role has broadened as owners increasingly use flexible mortgages to smooth consumption during working lives. One consequence is higher outstanding mortgages later in life, a burden exacerbated by high real house prices that compel home buyers to demand mortgages that are a growing multiple of their incomes. We investigate whether these developments are prompting longer working lives, an idea that is especially relevant in countries offering relatively low government pensions. Australia is one such country. We use the 2001–2017 panels of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey to estimate hazard models of exits from the Australian labour force as workers approach pensionable age. We find that those with high outstanding mortgage debts are more likely to postpone retirement, as are those with relatively low amounts of private pension wealth. These results are stronger in urban housing markets, and especially among males.
摘要 在消费和储蓄的生命周期模型中,自有住房是横向再分配的重要工具。家庭在工作期间在自有住房中积累财富,然后在退休时从估算的租金流中受益。但在一些国家,随着业主越来越多地使用灵活的抵押贷款来实现工作生涯中的消费平稳,住房财富的福利作用已经扩大。一个后果是晚年未偿抵押贷款增加,这一负担因高实际房价而加剧,迫使购房者要求的抵押贷款相对于其收入而言的倍数越来越高。我们调查这些发展是否会延长工作生涯,这点在政府养老金相对较低的国家尤为重要。澳大利亚就是这样一个国家。我们使用2001-2017年澳大利亚家庭、收入和劳动力动态调查的面板数据来估计当工人接近领取养老金年龄时所面临的、退出澳大利亚劳动力市场的风险模型。我们发现,那些还有高额抵押贷未偿还完毕的人们更有可能推迟退休,那些私人养老金财富相对较低的人们也是如此。这些结果在城市住房市场更为明显,尤其是在男性群体中。
Keywords Australians, housing wealth, labour force participation, mature age, mortgage debt
澳大利亚人, 住房财富, 劳动力参与, 成熟年龄, 抵押贷款债务
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211026578


Conceptualising and measuring the location of work: Work location as a probability space


Richard Shearmur(加拿大麦吉尔大学)首次出版时间:2020/5/15|研究论文


There is currently considerable interest in workers performing tasks from a variety of workplaces, such as co-working spaces, transport-networks and cafés. However, it remains difficult to ascertain the extent to which this workplace mobility is altering urban economic geography, since most analyses of the location of economic activity in cities are based upon census-type data that assume a unique place of work for each worker. In this paper I propose a framework that extends the concept of place of work: work is probabilistically assigned to different types of workplace according to the proportion of work time spent in each. The limitations of census data are discussed and illustrated, after which the framework is operationalised in an exploratory survey. Census data suggest a modest increase in workplace mobility, with most work still taking place either at home or in a fixed workplace. The paper’s principal contribution is to explain these data’s limitations and show how work location can be operationalised as a probability space.

Keywordseconomic processes, employment/labour, employment location, method, mobility, technology/smart cities
关键词经济过程, 就业/劳动力, 就业地点, 方法, 流动性, 技术/智慧城市



Spatial and temporal segmenting of urban workplaces: The gendering of multi-locational working


Brendan Burchell(英国剑桥大学)Darja Reuschke(英国南安普顿大学)Mary Zhang(英国布里斯托大学)首次出版时间:2020/2/28|研究论文
AbstractExisting urban research has focused on gender differences in commuting patterns to and from homes, but has paid little attention to the gendered diversity in the spatiotemporal patterns of work. The increase in remote working and information and communications technology (ICT) work has been emphasised, but at the cost of exploring the full range of workplaces and multi-locational working observed in urban areas. This article develops a new classificatory system to analyse the spatiotemporal patterns of work in European cities using the 2015 6th European Working Conditions Survey. We identify 12 distinct spatiotemporal work patterns of full-time workers and investigate gender differences across these patterns against the backdrop of occupation, industrial sector, employment status, household composition and ICT use. Findings show that women are far more likely to be restricted to only working at the employer/business premises while men have more varied and complex spatiotemporal patterns of work. Multi-locational working rather than working at one workplace is a largely male phenomenon. Working exclusively at home is still a rarity, but combinations with employer premises and other workplaces are more common. We conclude that workplace research has been blinkered by narrow concerns of advances in mobile technologies and has been blind to the pervasive effects of spatiotemporal divisions in the working lives of men and women. The methodological and theoretical implications of this new perspective on workplaces for urban development and research are discussed.
现有的城市研究重点关注在家庭与工作地点之间通勤这一模式中的性别差异,很少关注各种不同工作时空模式中的性别差异。人们在强调远程工作以及信息和通信技术(信通技术)工作的增加的同时,忽略了对在城市地区观察到的各种工作场所和多地点工作的研究。本文利用2015年第六次欧洲工作条件调查 (European Working Conditions Survey),开发了一个新的分类系统来分析欧洲城市的工作时空模式。我们确定了12种不同的全职工作者的时空工作模式,并在考虑职业、行业部门、就业状况、家庭构成和信通技术使用情况的前提下研究了这些模式中的性别差异。研究结果显示,女性更有可能被限制在雇主/企业场所工作,而男性的工作模式更加多样和复杂。多地点工作而不是在一个工作场所工作,这主要是一种男性现象。完全在家工作的情况仍然很少见,但在家工作与在雇主场所和其他工作场所工作相结合的情况更为常见。我们的结论是,工作场所研究一直被对移动技术进步的狭隘关注所蒙蔽,忽略了男性和女性之间工作时空差异的普遍影响。我们还讨论了这种看待工作场所的新视角对城市发展和研究而言的方法论和理论意义。
Keywordshomeworking, occupational gender segregation, remote work, self-employment, third places
关键词在家工作, 职业性别隔离, 远程工作, 自营职业, 第三类场所 (Third Places)



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